Dynamic List Organizer

This plugin gives the user ability to:

  1. Make a list of forms with hierarchical structure
  2. clone a section of a form
  3. destroy a section of a form
  4. indent a section of a form to assign / show the hierarchical levels
  5. outdent a section of a form to assign / show the hierarchical levels

Every update on the forms will update each section with unique IDs, names, and labels to maintain accessibility and work with the database.


This plugin was created as a part of my Comprehensive Exam Project: http://home.tobeneo.com/Comprehensive-Intro/


The demo can be accessed at http://home.tobeneo.com/Comprehensive-List-Tasks/


You can best reach me by sending me an email at neohao@uga.edu.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2016 Neo Hao