After extracting all the files to the same directory, just open Convex Hull Visualizer and enjoy. Alternatively, you can open the Home.html
file in any web browser. Absolutely no external libraries needed.
After extracting all the files to the same directory, just open Documentation. Alternatively, you can open index.html
file in any web browser.
The analysis of the algorithms and their code implementations are present in the About
tab of the visualizer.
The file should be in json format, containing an array of point objects with numerical attributes x and y. {'x': <Number>, 'y': <Number>}[]
x and y should be between 100 and 600, with distance of at least 10 between two point centers. (The algorithm will still run if the conditions are not met, but the visualization may be difficult to interpret)
The visualization apps have been written in vanilla js, plain html and css, without the use of other tools. The documentation was made using the documentation.js
tool (which uses the jsdoc
comment syntax and documentation.yml
configuration file). The documentation and visualization pages have been pre-built and will run on most modern browsers. Refer package.json
for the versions of the tools used.
Build command for documentation.js
$ documentation build kps.js jarvis.js -f html --github -o . --config documentation.yml
NOTE: In the generated ouput the sha code of github links was corrected to main, and incorrect line numbers in links were removed.