The two specialiced scanners Regin Scanner and Skeleton Key Scanner have been merged into a new generic IOC scanner called LOKI.
LOKI features a completely free IOC signature definition via different configuration files. It includes signatures for Regin, Skeleton Key and the recently published FiveEyes QUERTY malware mentioned in the Spiegel report released on 17.01.2015.
LOKI is free for private and commercial use and published under the GPL. He is the little brother of THOR, our full featured corporate APT Scanner.
Scanner for Skeleton Key Malware
Detection is based on four detection methods:
1. File Name IOC
2. Yara Ruleset
3. SHA1 hash check
Compares known malicious SHA1 hashes with scanned files
4. Process parameter check
Detecting a PsExec.exe with NTLM Hash as parameter (as described in report)
All included IOCs are extracted from this report.
The Windows binary is compiled with PyInstaller 2.1 and should run as x86 application on both x86 and x64 based systems.
The compiled scanner is falsely detected as a Virus by McAfee and some other second-class scanners. This may be caused by the fact that the scanner is a compiled python script that implement some file system and process scanning features that are also used in compiled malware code.
If you don't trust the compiled executable, please compile it yourself.
Download PyInstaller, switch to the pyinstaller program directory and execute:
python ./ -F C:\path\to\
This will create a "skeletonkey-scanner.exe" in the subfolder "./skeletonkey-scanner/dist".
To include the msvcr100.dll to improve the target os compatibility change the line in the file "./skeletonkey-scanner/skeletonkey-scanner.spec" that contains a.bianries,
to the following:
a.binaries + [('msvcr100.dll', 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcr100.dll', 'BINARY')],
No requirements if you use the compiled EXE.
If you want to build it yourself:
- yara : It's recommended to use the most recent version of the compiled packages for Windows (x86) - Download it from here:
- scandir : faster alternative to os.walk()
- colorama : to color it up
usage: [-h] [-p path] [--printAll] [--noprocscan]
[--nofilescan] [--dots] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p path Path to scan
--printAll Print all files that are scanned
--noprocscan Skip the process scan
--nofilescan Skip the file scan
--dots Print a dot for every scanned file to see the progress
--debug Debug output
IOCs are based on the report by the Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit(TM) (CTU) researchers. Scanner has not been tested on one of the samples.
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