
Self-contained Zabbix template to get information about PowerDNS dnsdist.

Zabbix Template: App PowerDNS dnsdist

Self-contained Zabbix template to get information about PowerDNS dnsdist.


This is a self-contained Zabbix template. It uses the Built-in webserver to gather the statistics and creates over 50 Items.


The built-in webserver on the dnsdist have to be activated, to access the required information.

webserver("", "supersecretpassword", "supersecretAPIkey")

Make sure to change supersecretpassword and supersecretAPIkey to some random values!

Assign the template to your host and configure the macros {$PDNS.DNSDIST.APIKEY} {$PDNS.DNSDIST.WEBSERVER.IP} and {$PDNS.DNSDIST.WEBSERVER.PORT} according to your setup.

To match the example from above:

{$PDNS.DNSDIST.APIKEY} supersecretAPIkey


Graph: Cache Hits/Misses

Graph: Cache Hits/Misses

Graph: Latency

Graph; Latency

Graph: Queries - Answers

Graph: Queries - Answers