
All of the JSON data files and Asset image files that the WAV utilizes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Worldhaven (WH)

An easy-to-use collection of data and images from Gloomhaven, Forgotten Circles, Frosthaven, Jaws of the Lion, and the User Community by Cephalofair Games - Developer: Isaac Childres.

Asset LICENSE Terms

I have entered into a personal license agreement with Cephalofair Games, which has provided me access to the digital assets contained within this GitHub repository. These assets are used to power various asset viewer extensions for Chrome and Firefox, as well as to provide PBF functionality. No other individual, entity, or corporation is permitted to use and/or re-use the assets within this repository for any other purpose.

What's included

This repository contains data and images for the following games and components:


  • Gloomhaven
  • Forgotten Circles
  • Frosthaven
  • Jaws of the Lion
  • User Community
    • Crimson Scales
    • Trail of Ashes


  • art
  • attack-modifiers (including town-guard-cards)
  • battle-goals
  • books
  • challenge-cards
  • character-ability-cards
  • character-mats
  • character-perks
  • charts
  • deprecated-assets
  • events
  • items
  • loot-deck
  • map-tiles
  • milestone-ability-cards
  • milestones
  • monster-ability-cards
  • monster-stat-cards
  • outpost-building-cards
  • personal-quests
  • pet-cards
  • player-aid-cards
  • random-dungeons
  • random-scenarios
  • tokens
  • trial-cards
  • world-map

There are four top-level directories; data , images , pbf ,and xwc.


The data folder contains all WH Asset Viewer data in JSON format.


The images folder contains all WH Asset Viewer images for each of the above components.


The pbf folder contains specific WH Asset Viewer images for Play By Forum (PBF) use.


The xwc folder contains all of the files that power the WH Asset Viewer Chrome Extension.


You can use this data to build your own apps, etc.

The easiest way to do this is via Git submodule:

  • Git submodule: git submodule add https://github.com/any2cards/worldhaven.git

Bugs / Issues

Please open a ticket on Github.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request 🎉

When adding images please use TinyPNG to reduce their filesize as much as possible without affecting image quality.


A list of projects that use this content:

Want your project listed here? Let us know!


This project uses SemVer. Given a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH version number, we will increment the:

  • MAJOR version when existing content is changed in such a way that it can break consumers of the data
  • MINOR version when new content is added in a backwards-compatible manner, or existing content is changed in a backwards-compatible manner
  • PATCH version when fixing mistakes in existing content


See the Releases tab in Github.

6/7/2023 - Repository was updated to reduce the repo size and remove old objects. This may create issues when updating. Perform a force update, or delete the repository and re-clone. Size was reduce from 7GB to 2GB.


Worldhaven: Gloomhaven, Forgotten Circles, Frosthaven, and Jaws of the Lion and all related properties, images and text are owned by Cephalofair Games.