
Undo the workaround of clearing the hand tracking bone rest positions

Closed this issue · 1 comments

As in this function:

It looks like a cleaner work-around/transform is to apply the inverse of the rotation of the rest position before assigning the pose value:

Instead of:

skeleton.set_bone_pose(_vrapi2hand_bone_map[i], Transform(_vrapi_bone_orientations[i]));


var j = _vrapi2hand_bone_map[i]
var bone_rest = skeleton.get_bone_rest(j);
skeleton.set_bone_pose(j, (bone_rest.basis.inverse()*Basis(_vrapi_bone_orientations[i])))

This might work more within the grain of how the bone posing system works. I'm sure there's a method in its madness, though I can't see it yet.

resolved by #61