
A graph processing engine with underlying heartbeat failure detector and distributed file system

Primary LanguagePython

Special Note

This is the final mp for cs425-Distributed System

Contributed Project

We are using our old MP3 for file transfer during protocol
We are using MP2 Best Solutions from group 57 in https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/cs425/fa2017/MP2Solutions.Python.zip (Thanks!)
We are borrowing our old MP1 for debugging (i.e. grep logs)


We are using Python 2, so no compilation is required.


Start by calling python main_driver.py on several machines
(fa17-cs425-g48-01.cs.illinois.edu or fa17-cs425-g48-02.cs.illinois.edu first) It will run ls and show the following prompt:

Input graph_file app_file app_args, or enter help:

So graph file is the input file that is in edge list format.
app_file is the application file written in python defining AppVertex class that overrides Vertex and compute.
app_args are the additional arguments passed to your application, which will be stored in self.app_args in your application.

As an example:

Input graph_file app_file app_args, or enter help: com-amazon.ungraph.txt pr_vertex.py 20

There are also many flags provided, mainly for debugging purpose

You need to at least keep 4 machines to start: 2 masters, 1 client and rest are workers. Right after you input in one of the machines, that machine will be the client, and role will be assigned based on machine number for rest of machines.
The progress will be checkpointed, so 2 simultaneous worker failures can be allowed without restart.