
(Student project) Online meeting schedule web app built in React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

build status for OnlineMeetingSchedule

Online meeting schedule

About The Project

An Online service through which you can schedule a meeting. Implemented using the MERN stack (MongoDb-Express-React-Node). The Project is a part of the Programming Course "Programming Web Applications" (TWUN13 T3180) at JU.

How to use

To run this application, you'll need to have Git and Node.js installed on your system.

From your command line:

# Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/mosmar99/OnlineMeetingSchedule

# Go to directory.
cd Online meeting schedule

# Setup up node environment.
npm install

# Run application
npm run dev

Website can be accessed at `http://localhost:3000/

Notes on running

The command npm run dev ought to be utilized during developement of the web application. It provides a developement environment with features like code hot-reloading (allows you to see immediate changes in the code whilst running the application without needing to manually stop and restart the application), debugging tools and error messages with detailed information.

Alternatively, npm run prod is used when for deployment purposes. Contrary the dev version this one optimizes the code for performance by minifying, bundling and reducing unnecssary code. It also removes debugging information and console logs, reducing the application's size and improving load times. In general, it typically results in a faster and more efficient web application.


  • Mahmut Osmanovic (mosmar99)
  • Isac Paulsson (isacpaulsson)
  • Sebastian Tuura (tuura01)
  • Emil Wagman (Neobyte01)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

