MCH - Minecraft Crafting Helper

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MCH - Minecraft Crafting Helper

To Download The Source Code

git clone https://github.com/Neol-d2022/MCH.git

To Compile

cd MCH/

To test

make test < test_input.txt

To Use

  • Edit files under itemnames/ and recipes/ as you wish.
  • ./minecraft_crafting_helper.exe
  • Example
    • INPUT
    • OUTPUT
    [Required] Item Type: 1
    	木材 x8
    [Remaining] Item Type: 2
    	木斧 x1
    	木鎬 x1
    [_ItemLoad_AddItem] '木斧' (1) has just added to ItemList.
    [_ItemLoad_AddItem] '木鎬' (2) has just added to ItemList.
    [_ItemLoad_AddItem] '木棒' (3) has just added to ItemList.
    [_ItemLoad_AddItem] '木材' (4) has just added to ItemList.
    [_ItemLoad_ToArray] Total loaded items: 4.
    [_CraftLoadRecipeList_AddItem] Recipe '木斧' has just loaded.
    	'木棒' (3) x2.
    	'木材' (4) x3.
    [_CraftLoadRecipeList_AddItem] Recipe '木鎬' has just loaded.
    	'木棒' (3) x2.
    	'木材' (4) x3.
    [_CraftLoadRecipeList_AddItem] Recipe '木棒' has just loaded.
    	'木材' (4) x2.
    [_CraftLoadRecipeList_ToArray] Total loaded recipes: 3.
    [Craft] Crafting '木斧' x1.
    [Craft] '木斧' x1 requires recipe '木斧' to be done 1 times.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木棒' x2 are required for item '木斧' x1.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木棒' x2 are not available for item '木斧' x1.
    [Craft] Crafting '木棒' x2.
    [Craft] '木棒' x2 requires recipe '木棒' to be done 1 times.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x2 are required for item '木棒' x2.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x2 are not available for item '木棒' x2.
    [Craft] Crafting '木材' x2.
    [Craft] '木材' is base ingredient.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x2 has just been prepared for item '木棒' x2.
    [Craft] '木棒' x4 has just been crafted.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木棒' x2 has just been prepared for item '木斧' x1.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x3 are required for item '木斧' x1.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x3 are not available for item '木斧' x1.
    [Craft] Crafting '木材' x3.
    [Craft] '木材' is base ingredient.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x3 has just been prepared for item '木斧' x1.
    [Craft] '木斧' x1 has just been crafted.
    [Craft] Crafting '木鎬' x1.
    [Craft] '木鎬' x1 requires recipe '木鎬' to be done 1 times.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木棒' x2 are required for item '木鎬' x1.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木棒' x2 has just been prepared for item '木鎬' x1.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x3 are required for item '木鎬' x1.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x3 are not available for item '木鎬' x1.
    [Craft] Crafting '木材' x3.
    [Craft] '木材' is base ingredient.
    [Craft] Ingredien '木材' x3 has just been prepared for item '木鎬' x1.
    [Craft] '木鎬' x1 has just been crafted.
    • It basically prints all ingredients you need to make specified items, and what are left after crafting.
      • In this case, the program is told to print ingredients need to craft one 木鎬(wooden pickaxe) and one 木斧(wooden axe).
      • At the end, the program said that we need eight 木材(wood planks) to craft those two items. The debug messages also suggests that 木棒(sticks) were crafted during the process.

Notes about itemnames/ and recipes/

  • All files under these two directories are except subfolders are read when the program starts.
    • Filename is not important, since all files will be enumerate. The content of it matters.
    • File Format Under itemnames/
      • <item name>
      • Yup, that's simple.
    • File Format Under recipes/
      • <output count>,<output item name>
        <slot number>,<ingredient #1 count>,<ingredient #1 name>
        <slot number>,<ingredient #2 count>,<ingredient #2 name>
      • If you are still confused, see recipes/axe.txt. I am pretty sure you are smart enough to understand that, as you are reading this.
    • To add new item/recipe, just create a new file under these two folders, don't care about the file name, and that the program to the rest.
    • The files under subfolders under itemnames/ and recipes/ are ignored.

To Be Done

  • Print recipes used.
  • Step-by-step crafting process.
  • A GUI maybe.
  • Translation? If I have so many times.