This technique has been published on ICSE 2020 Technical Track paper: "Watchman: Monitoring Dependency Conflicts for Python Library Ecosystem". A pre-print of this paper is available at Accepted Paper #702.pdf.
Watchman is a bot (a free subscription on GitHub Marketplace) and also an online tool (http://www.watchman-pypi.com/), which can performs a holistic analysis from the perspective of the entire PyPI ecosystem, to monitor the dependency conflicts (DCs) caused by library updates.
Its main features are: 1) monitoring the library updates on PyPI and identifying the affected projects; 2) building a full dependency graph (FDG) for a Python project under analysis; 3) providing the self-diagnosis service for users to analyze the dependency conflicts in their projects; and 4) submitting the issue reports and pull requests automatically to warn the projects against dependency conflict issues. For more detailed information, please refer to the "ABOUT" page of Watchman.
Figure 1 The overview of Watchman's architecture
This artifact contains the metadata repository of all the library versions and the dependency relationships between them on PyPI from 6 Nov, 2002 (the date of PyPI being founded) to 31 Dec, 2019, and the scripts that help to play back the evolution history of the libraries released on the PyPI ecosystem.
To use a library on PyPI, developers need to specify the desired version constraints in a configuration script such as setup.py and requirements.txt. When a library is reused by another project, this library and other libraries on which it depends will be automatically installed at the project's build time. The automation smartly combines a server-side central repository and a client-side library installer to manage library dependencies. It considerably simplifies the build process of Python projects. However, such automation comes with the risk of potential dependency conflict issues, which can cause build failures when the installed version of a library violates certain version constraints on the library.
Diagnosing DC issues is a challenging task in the Python world. First, the version of a library installed for a Python project can vary over time. For each required library, pip will install its latest version satisfying the concerned constraint. Therefore, any updates of libraries on PyPI can affect the version of the libraries installed for the downstream projects (i.e., the projects that depend on the libraries), causing potential build failures. Second, an impact could be wide-spreading since it can be propagated transitively to a wide range of downstream projects. Manually identifying the affected downstream projects is impractical for developers. Third, it is difficult to obtain a full dependency graph with version constraints for projects on PyPI. The state-of-the-art tools like pipenv and Poetry show only which libraries have been installed, rather than their dependencies, which are less effective in diagnosing dependency conflicts. To address the above challenges, we develop Watchman to help Python developers combat DC issues.
Watchman can provide diagnosis information for the following three types of (potential) DC issues:
Pattern A : Conflicts caused by the library updates on PyPI. If the updated library version could be installed in a client project, which violates the certain version constraints specified by this project on the library, then a build failure will occur.
We refer to the conflicts between direct and transitive dependencies as Pattern A.a issues, and the conflicts between transitive dependencies as Pattern A.b issues. -
Type 1 : Potential conflicts caused by restricting a dependency to a specific version. If a project restricts a dependency to a specific version, its downstream projects may easily suffer from DC issues.
Type 2: Potential conflicts caused by the case that the installed version of a library is close to the upper bound specified in the version constraint. If the installed version of a library satisfies the concerned version constraint but is close to the upper bound specified in the constraint, build failures can easily occur when the library evolves.
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Three example Python projects with three types of (potential) DC issues, are provided as follows:
- Pattern A :
- Type1 :
- Type2 :
First, please go to the online Watchman tool via its link (http://www.watchman-pypi.com/). Its "DIAGNOSIS" page provides the main function.
Watchman supports two types of inputs to diagnose their DC issues: 1) the name and version number of a Python project to be analyzed released on PyPI; and 2) a dependency configuration file (i.e., requirement.txt) of a Python project to be analyzed. For instance, please press the "Pagage Name/Version" button on the "DIAGNOSIS" page. Then, you can input the project name and version number to be analyzed.
Figure 2(a) Inputing the project name with prompt messages
Figure 2(b) Inputing the project version number with prompt messages
If the Python project to be analyzed is not released on PyPI, then you can press the "Import File" button and then upload its requirement.txt file.
Figure 3 Uploading the requirement.txt file of a Python project be analysed
On the "DIAGNOSIS" page, when a user inputs the name and version number of a Python project released on PyPI, or uploads a project's dependency configuration file (i.e., requirement.txt), and presses the "Graph" button, watchman provides the full dependency graph (FDG) of the project under analysis. The FDG simulates process of installing the required dependencies. Users can also save the generated FDG in an image or a text file, for further analysis, when pressing "Save" button. In addition, all of its downstream projects can also be listed on this page.
Figure 4 Displaying full dependency graph of a give Python project
Figure 5 Saving the generated full dependency graph for further analysis
On the "DIAGNOSIS" page, when pressing the "Start" button, Watchman will help you diagnose the DC issues in the project under analysis and provide the detailed root causes and suggested fixing solutions.
Figure 6 Generating diagnosis information for a Python project under analysis
Press the "Go" button, users can have an overview of the topological structure of the PyPI ecosystem and also can see the details of any Python project. The searching process is like traveling through the PyPI universe.
Figure 7 An overview of the topological structure of the PyPI ecosystem