C headers for AVR microcontrollers. Arduino must die!

Primary LanguageC


Library for AVR microcontrollers' programming.

Classes helps you to write AVR microcontrollers' code on programmer-friendly laguage :)

All code wrote in .h headers files, so .HEX size has minimal difference with plain C-code. You can easly use this library with any other libraries.

Library grants easy access to:

  • UART, SPI, hardware I2C (TWI), software I2C
  • LED manipulations
  • Bit mathematics
  • IR NEC protocol

Supported devices:

  • nRF24L01+
  • DS1307
  • DHT11

Currently in progress: ESP8266, BMP180, BMP280

#Code sample

int main()
	led(DDRB, 0);

	nrf24_config(sizeof(uint8_t), 2);

	uint8_t b;
	while (1)
		led_turn_on(PORTB, 0);
		led_turn_off(PORTB, 0);