
Primary LanguageJavaScript

NeonBot - a better bot to better your discord

Made by Neon

About NeonBot

NeonBot is a bot made by Neon in June of 2019, then recently got a massive rewrite on the 11th of August 2020, and is still being worked on actively with new updates coming bi-weekly (or so.)






Not many bots have a backstory. Neonbot does though! A quite lengthy one to be exact. Neonbot began as a measley bot for my server, under the name Blitzbot. I eventually was inspired to make my own bot that was more than just a fork of somebody else's code. Development of Alpha Blitzbot began in 2017! Let's fast-forward to 2018-19. Blitzbot died due to some really bad real life issues on my end, and I really didn't know what to do. I waited a little while for the irl issues to pass, and something inspired me to rewrite a better, more stable version of Blitzbot, so I eventually sat down and started coding it, and later that month, changed my discord and social names to "Neon", and decided my bots name should change aswell, so NeonBot was born! I never official released that code and kept it hidden away to myself, but on August 11th 2020, I decided to make the bot public due to being in lockdown and having quite alot of time to work on it, little did I know I would end up back in school at the end of the month, and it would be hard for me to get to it. Luckily, I eventually did get back to coding NeonBot, and got it to how it is today!


Discord Boats


Check projects page on Github for some updates of what is coming soon!


Neonbot will not be developed much between October 2020 and December 2020 as I am working on some things for school and working on a big, non-coding related, project.