Custom Elements

Simple web component for liveview



Use at your own risk

Note that the design is responsive, also try keyboard navigation

Here's a demo Demo

  • All <ce-menu*> components will receive the open attribute when the menu is open
    • You can style based on this state <ce-menu class="open:bg-red-500">
  • ce-menu-toggle attribute can be set to one of open|close|toggle default is toggle
    • This attribute has to be on a <button> or <a> tags
  • <ce-menu-content> wraps contents within a dialog element, all the attributes will be transferred to the dialog element
  • <ce-menu-overlay> and <ce-menu-content> can be animated by using attributes
    • Transition Attribute name
      enter 'enter' or 'with'
      enterFrom 'enter-from' or 'hide'
      enterTo 'enter-to' or 'show'
      leave 'leave' or 'with'
      leaveFrom 'leave-from' or 'show'
      leaveTo 'leave-to' or 'hide'
  • <ce-menu-content-focus-trap> will trap focus within this element when it's open
    • Will restore focus to previously active element on close
    • on ESC key will close the menu
<ce-menu class="relative isolate z-20">
  <ce-menu-trigger class="shrink-0 grow-0">
    <button class="hidden sm:block" ce-menu-toggle>Menu</button>
    <button class="sm:hidden" ce-menu-toggle="open">Sidebar</button>
    style="display: none"
    with="transition-opacity duration-300 ease-out"
    <div class="fixed inset-0 bg-black/80 sm:hidden"></div>
    with="transition-all duration-300 ease-in"
    hide="translate-x-full opacity-0 sm:translate-x-0"
    show="translate-x-0 sm:opacity-100"
    <button type="button" ce-menu-toggle="close">Close</button>
      <button>Menu item</button>
      <button>Menu item</button>
      <button>Menu item</button>
      <button>Menu item</button>
      <button>Menu item</button>