
Wrapped implementations of BadERC20 tokens

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BadERC20 Wrappers

The purpose of this repository is to store code and information about Wrapped implementations of BadERC20 tokens. BadERC20 token are tokens on Ethereum that are not fully ERC20-compliant, either because of a bug or because they follow an ERC20 specification that is too old to be used safely.

Use cases

One major use-case it to wrap tokens that don't return value after a transferFrom call. This is the case for more than 100 tokens on Ethereum. More info in Lukas Cremer's post. Those tokens cannot be safely used in some DeFi dApps such as Balancer or Uniswap V1.

The most famous example of such tokens is OMG Network Token (OMG), a token with a Market Cap of more than 400 million USD equivalent. That is why this repository will start with this token.


Install dependencies and compile

npm install
npm run compile

Run tests

npm test