
Official code for the paper: InCharacter: Evaluating Personality Fidelity in Role-Playing Agents through Psychological Interviews (previously: Do Role-Playing Chatbots Capture the Character Personalities? Assessing Personality Traits for Role-Playing Chatbots)

Primary LanguagePython

InCharacter: Evaluating Personality Fidelity in Role-Playing Agents through Psychological Interviews


No need to install ChatHaruhi separately; a fixed version of ChatHaruhi is already included in the code/ directory of this repository.

Ensure you have correctly installed ChatHaruhi2 and all necessary dependencies. If not yet installed, you can do so with the following commands:

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install transformers openai tiktoken langchain chromadb zhipuai chatharuhi datasets jsonlines google-generativeai langchain_openai

Enter the code folder.

cd code

Set your openai apikey in config.json .

Personality Assessment

To assess the personality of a specific role-playing agent (RPA), use the following commands:

Conduct personality test on a specific character:

python personality_tests.py --questionnaire_name bfi --character hutao --agent_type ChatHaruhi --agent_llm gpt-3.5 --evaluator_llm gpt-4 --eval_method interview_assess_batch_anonymous

To reproduce our experiments on the 32 RPAs, please refer to code/run_experiments.py

BFI Personalities of Selected Characters/RPAs

Radar chart of BFI personalities of state-of-the-art RPAs (yellow) and the characters (blue). O, C, E, A, N stands for openness, consciousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism in the BFI.


[Online Demo]


Interview Response:


Self-report Response:

(May give options inconsistent with character behaviors)


Interview Response:
