
Creates map data from a 48x48 palletted image that can be used in SRB2P

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Creates map data from a 48x48 palletted image that can be used in SRB2P


This is to be used to facilitate development of Custom Dungeons in SRB2P that use the Expanded Custom Dungeon Code Pack mod(https://gamebanana.com/tools/10461) and also make use of specific floor layouts.

Create a 48x48 png file, and then paint with the following colors to define specific dungeon floor features:

Dungeon Feature Color Code
T_WALL #000000
T_EMPTY #ffffff
T_ITEM #ffff00
T_ENEMY #ff0000
T_START #800080
T_EXIT #008000
T_BOSS #800000
T_PIT #808080
T_RINGS #daa520
T_GOLDI #ffd900
T_SHOP #00008b
T_SPIKES #a9a9a9
T_GATE #ff00ff
T_NOSWITCH #e0e0e0

Once you are ready to convert your image into map data provide the filepath of the png image to the tool via srb2p-map-maker [path to .png file], or the filename of the PNG file if its next to the executable.


srb2p-map-maker requires a D compiler(DMD is recommended), downloads can be found at https://dlang.org/.
Once installed, run dub build in your CLI/Terminal in the root directory of the repository to compile the project.


I have not yet established a consistent code style for this project. Keep this in mind if you decide to submit a pull request with features. I aim to keep with the D style, however https://dlang.org/dstyle.html

Thanks to Adam D. Ruppe for the arsd png library https://code.dlang.org/packages/arsd-official%3Apng