by Uknow and reworked by Nerea_Cassian
This is a hacker job, which has level system in it. As you successfuly complete hack you gain exp, and when you reach the level's limit you level up.
Each level has more hack options.
Players must have "hacker" job to access the menu.
First, make sure you have mythc_notfi mhacking as they are the essential for this to work
(optional) some hacks require Tokovoip but it isn`t a essential required script
Second, run sql query
Last, start deep_hacker from server.cfg
In config.lua file you can set max, min cash steal amounts.
You can change exp needed to level up for each level specifically.
In client.lua you can change which hack gives how many exp and how difficult they are to success.
If you want to add a required item to attemp hack then you should do the fallowing:
In client.lua line 134 uncomments relevant lines, it should look like this:
local selection = data.current
ESX.TriggerServerCallback("deep_hacker:checkItem", function(result) -- required item check
if result == true then
if selection ~= nil then
if todaysHacks > 0 then
_G[selection.value](level, selection.exp, selection.difficulty)
exports["mythic_notify"]:SendAlert("error", "You have reached your daily hack limit!", 5000)
exports["mythic_notify"]:SendAlert("error", "You don't have the required equipment!", 5000)
And in server.lua line 115 uncomment the whole function and change the item name to the item you want, it should look like this:
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("deep_hacker:checkItem", function(source, cb)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem("phone")
if item.count >= 1 then
This script adds levels as job grades but giving a player grade doesn't work, it has a seperate db table. This was made this way so player can see his/her level in the top right hud. So if you want to give a player level, change the level in hacklevels.
Also check for SQL stuff such as twitter hack or user name. You may have different table structure, and if you do it shouldn't be hard to edit according to your table. If you don't know how to or couldn't get it working contact me, I will gladly help you out.
I basically reworked a broken hacker job script than pass thought my hands I don't know the original code writer because the guy who send it to me renamed the script with his name and it hasn't comments, so all thanks to him because I just corrected the mistakes caused by bad made modifications and made the SQL file. I hope you enjoy it and I will ask any question, Thanks ^^