Tugas Besar Teori Bahasa Formal dan Automata (TBFO)

HTML Checker with Pushdown Automata (PDA)

Table of Contents

General Information

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) serves as a markup language utilized in shaping the structure and visual presentation of web content. Through elements (tags), HTML organizes and groups content. Similar to most languages, HTML maintains its own syntax for writing, the violation of which can lead to errors. An error detection program for HTML is essential to verify the accuracy of tag usage and its associated attributes.


Mulia Pratama Clan

Nama NIM
Aland Mulia Pratama 13522124
Rizqika Mulia Pratama 13522126
Ikhwan Al Hakim 13522147

Technologies Used

  • Python3


Considering many types of tags and attributes available in HTML, the scope of programming assignments will be limited. The limitations of the tags and attributes checked can be seen below.

Tag Attributes Void Element Notes
html The html tag is mandatory. The document must begin with the html tag
head A head tag must be present. The head tag must be inside the html tag and above the body tag
body The body tag must be present. The body tag must be inside the html tag and below the head tag. All elements mentioned after this except the title must be in the body, but not all tags must be in the body.
title can only be in the head
link Rel, href V The Rel attribute must be present, it can be in the head
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
br V
hr V
a href
img src, alt V src attributes is mandatory
button type The attribute type value is limited to submit, reset, button
form action, method The method value must be limited to GET or POST
input type V The attribute type value must be limited to text, password, email, number, or checkbox
table You don't need to pay attention to the shape of the table (it's okay if row 1 consists of 1 column while row 2 consists of 2 columns)
tr The tr tag must be in the tag table
td The td tag must be in the tag table
th The th tag must be in the tag table

This program also has an additional feature, namely telling you where the error in the HTML code entered. The program can also explain what expressions are wrong in the program, such as inappropriate use of tags or attributes. The program can also detect errors involving the HTML program code structure.


├── readme.md
├── doc
│   └── .pdf
├── pda
│   ├── pda.drawio
│   └── pda.png
└── src
    ├── main.py
    ├── functions
    │   ├── load.py
    │   └── readpda.py
    ├── html
    │   ├── input.html
    │   ├── inputAcc.html
    │   ├── inputReject.html
    │   └── testing.html
    └── pda
        ├── pda txt guide.md
        ├── pda.drawio
        ├── pda.png
        └── pda.txt

How to Use

git clone https://github.com/Nerggg/Tubes-TBFO-2023
cd Tubes-TBFO-2023/src
python main.py pda.txt <test-case-name>.html


  • Python Interpreter


  • Download and install Python
  • Download all folder and files on this repository or simply clone this repo!