
neon implementation of SegNet

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project will no longer be maintained by Intel. Intel has ceased development and contributions including, but not limited to, maintenance, bug fixes, new releases, or updates, to this project. Intel no longer accepts patches to this project.

This repo contains an implementation of the SegNet model using neon.

See the following references for more information:

"Bayesian SegNet: Model Uncertainty in Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Scene Understanding."
Alex Kendall, Vijay Badrinarayanan and Roberto Cipolla
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.02680, 2015.


"SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation."
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.00561, 2015. 
Vijay Badrinarayanan, Alex Kendall and Roberto Cipolla



To run these models neon v1.5.3 must be installed on the system. Install neon by following the instructions at the neon repository (https://github.com/NervanaSystems/neon). The default installation uses a virtualenv, make sure to activate the virtual env before running the SegNet scripts. See neon documentation for more information.

Also, addtional python package requirements specified in the requirements.txt file must be installed using the command:

# if neon is installed in a venv
# first activate the venv
source <path to neon>/.venv/bin/activate

pip install-r requirements.txt


Before running this model the data needs to be downloaded and converted into a format that neon can use.

Downloading the dataset

This example uses the CamVid dataset which can be downloaded from the SegNet-Tutorial repository.

The following code will need the path to the CamVid directory in the SegNet-Tutorial directory; from now on denoted by CAMVID_PATH.

Converting dataset for use with neon

Currently the neon version of SegNet requires that the images be powers of 2 in each dimension. For this example, the CamVid 360x480 color images are reshaped to 256x512, as are the target output images. To generate the neon compatible images, use the script proc_images.py. Make sure to install the python packages included in the requirements.txt before running this script. The script requires the path to the CamVid directory in the SegNet-Tutorial repo that was cloned and the output path to place the neon compatible PNG files. For example:

python proc_images.py /path/to/SegNet-Tutorial/CamVid/ /local/dir/CamVid_neon/

The output dir will contain the directories train, test and val with the input training, testing and validation image sets, repectively. Also, for each set there will be a corresponding directory with 'annot' added to the basename holding the annotation images (e.g. trainannot, testannot, and valannot). The annotation images are grayscale PNG files where each pixel holds an integer from 0 to 12. The pixel value indicates the ground truth output class of that pixel.

SegNet implementation

The "segnet_neon.py" script is the main script to run SegNet using neon. The model includes a pixelwise softmax layer and the upsampling layer that is not included with the current neon release. Also, a special data loader class is included which converts the 1 channel target class images holding the ground truth values for each pixel into a 12 channel image using a one-hot representation for the class of each pixel. This is required for the logistic regression using neon.

These layers and the data loader are defined in the files upsampling_layer.py, [pixelwise_dataloader.py]./pixelwise_dataloader.py() and pixelwise_sm.py. Also the GPU kernels for the upsampling layer are included in the file segnet_neon_backend.py.

To fit the model use the command such as:

python segnet_neon.py -s <path to save checkpoints> -e 650 --serialize 10 -z 4 \
                      -H 60 -r 1 -vvv -eval 1 -w /path/to/processed/CamVid/

The path to the data generated using the proc_images.py msut be provided. The '-z 4' option sets the batch size to 4, this is close to the maximum batch size for a GPU with 12GB of memory.

During training, neon will output the total sum of the multiclass cross entropy function over ever pixel. These values can be large since they are not normalized or averaged over the number of pxiels in the image. Also, at the end of every epoch, the cross entropy of over the validation set will be printed.

After 650 epochs of training, the network should reach ~9000 training cost and ~80% pixel classification accuracy.

After fitting, the segnet_neon.py script will run inference on the images in the test and validation sets and save the results to a pickle file named outputs.pkl. The script in [./check_outputs.py] shows how to view these results. The scripts generates the model, loads the weights from a saved checkpoint file and run inference on the test data set. It will display in a plot window the ground truth and segnet outputs for each image, one by one. The terminal will display the pixel-wise accuracy percentage of the classification. To run the script requires the path to the CamVid data set (same as that used above in the fit command) and the path to a serialized segnet model file:

python check_outputs.py /usr/local/data/evren/CamVid/ run2/segnet_train_out_649.prm outputs/

PNG images will be saved to the outputs/ directory with the comparison between the segnets output and the ground truth. For example: example

Note that currently the model layers need to be regenerated to load the trained weights, the model can not be deserialized directly from the serialized file for this model.

Custom data

We recommend users first run the model with the CamVid dataset to check that the model is set up correctly. To place in the root directory several index files in CSV format: test_images.csv, train_images.csv, and val_images.csv. Each CSV file contains a header line, and each subsequent row contains a pair of input and annotation images. For example:

image, labels

Ensure that:

  • All image sizes are powers of 2 (e.g. 256 x 512).
  • The annotation images are grayscale, where each pixel contains an integer from 0 to NUM_CLASSES
  • If using images larger than 256 x 512, try adjusting the batch size to reduce memory consumption.

Use the following command line arguments to customize SegNet to your problem:

  • --num_classes: Number of classes in your annotation image (default: 12)
  • --height: Height of the input images
  • --width: Width of the input images

Note that the hyperparameters of the model (learning rate, number of channels, depth) are not optimized and should be tuned to reach maximal performance on your dataset.


To benchmark the model use the command:

python segnet_neon.py --bench

Machine and GPU specs:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
CUDA Driver Version 7.0


|    Func     |    Mean     |
| fprop       |  108.95  ms |
| bprop       |  193.27  ms |
 ------------- -------------
| iteration   |  302.22  ms |


The upsampling layer implementation has only been tested with non-noverlapping 2x2 kernels. To make sure the pooling and upsampling pairs size the network properly and the pooling layer max pixel indicies are applied correctly by the upsampling layer, only image with dimensions that are powers of two are supported. Also the image dimensions need to be larger than 2^N where N is total downsampling of the input image (i.e. N is the number of 2x2 pooling layers in the encoder of the model).

There is no CPU backend support for this model, it requires a Maxwell class GPU.