This is a private project.

This is purely for fun and interest. Take everything you find with this scripts with a hefty grain of salt.

Customising the Script

The script is made easy to customise so that you can get your own plot faster:

  • To edit the plotted location, simply edit the plot_loc variable to your country's name in line 11.

  • To change the plotted COVID-variant, edit the plot_variant variable in line 12.

  • To keep the plot cleaner, cases and deaths below 0 are filtered out. To change that setting, edit the plot_cd_thres in line 13.

  • The scaling of the percentage axis is determined by plot_perc_scaling in line 14.

  • plot_prim_y_breaks in line 15 determines the breaks in the left y-axis.

  • plot_sec_y_breaks in line 16 contains the breaks for the right y-axis.

  • The colors for the plot are defined in line 17 as plot_colors.


Updating the COVID-19-Data

Use the to get the latest data for the R-scripts. The source is "Our World In Data". The data file is owid-covid-data.csv.

Other Files

Every other file should be self explaining - as there aren't many left.

Have fun with my little project!

Latest Plot (Inconsistently updated)

WARNING: Around the turn of the year 2021-2022, the data is not at all accurate in Germany due to holidays for health workers.
INFO: Some data is smoothed out and therefore less accurate when viewing the data day by day. Smoothed data makes sense here so that general developments can be recognised easier. Saturdays, sundays and mondays are filtered out due to massive inaccuracies.