
Introduction to cyber security, old exploits etc

Primary LanguageC


An introduction to admin sys security

Virtual Box Settings

  • You should add a network adapter with DHCP enabled
  • Set your vm network settings to bridge adapter
  • Debian 64 bit
  • Don't boot on the iso for now, launch the vm normally then put the iso when the vm asks so


Useful tools

Useful commands

find / -user flag00 2> /dev/null  # find all files owned by a user
find / -type f/d -user flag00 2> /dev/null  # find all files owned by a user and by type
find / -type f/d -group flag00 2> /dev/null  # find all files owned by a group and by type
find / -type f/d -perm flag00 2> /dev/null  # find files by rights
find / -iname <filename> 2> /dev/null # find files by name

find /-type f -exec bash -c 'test -r "$1" && echo "$1"' x {} \; 2> /dev/null # find all files readable by user

cat /etc/group

getfacl # give additional permisions description

Useful notes

First and foremost, this project is interesting but it can be sometimes tricky and not really well guided. You might feel lost but I assure you, you don't want to get the solution spoiled.

We did our best to try and write notes that won't spoil everything, they are separated by this kind of schema : Discoveries -> Exploit -> Token.

You can check the discovery parts if you feel like you've missed something or even the resources to have a comparative, but you should really not check the exploits without finding them or at least having a trail.

Else you're literaly cheating yourself and this project will suck.

If you need advices that you don't find on this repo, you can contact me on slack (ckurt) or on the intra.

Happy hunting!

List of levels and passwords

Level Password
level00 level00
level01 x24ti5gi3x0ol2eh4esiuxias
level02 f2av5il02puano7naaf6adaaf
level03 kooda2puivaav1idi4f57q8iq
level04 qi0maab88jeaj46qoumi7maus
level05 ne2searoevaevoem4ov4ar8ap
level06 viuaaale9huek52boumoomioc
level07 wiok45aaoguiboiki2tuin6ub
level08 fiumuikeil55xe9cu4dood66h
level09 25749xKZ8L7DkSCwJkT9dyv6f
Bonuses Password
level10 s5cAJpM8ev6XHw998pRWG728z
level11 feulo4b72j7edeahuete3no7c
level12 fa6v5ateaw21peobuub8ipe6s
level13 g1qKMiRpXf53AWhDaU7FEkczr
level14 2A31L79asukciNyi8uppkEuSx
lastlvl 7QiHafiNa3HVozsaXkawuYrTstxbpABHD8CPnHJ