
Implementation of antialiased nearest texture sampling in glsl shader language

Primary LanguageGLSLMIT LicenseMIT

Antialiased nearest sampling glsl

Implementation of antialiased nearest texture sampling in glsl shader language

The alorithm is implemented in textureNearestAntialias function of fragment.glsl. Full code contains some more logic like lighting calculations. Decided to grab it whole without removing stuff, because I can be sure it will work.


Anti-aliased nearest sampling


Nearest sampling


Linear sampling


All logic related to nearest sampling with antialiasing represented by these lines of code in fragment.glsl:

#version 330

#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable

in vec2 TexCoords;

/* ... */

const float Eps = 1e-10;

vec4 textureNearestAntialias(sampler2D sampler, vec2 texCoords, vec2 texSize) {
	vec2 tx = texCoords * texSize;
	vec2 w = vec2(fwidth(tx.x), fwidth(tx.y));
	vec2 q = step(1.0, w);
	vec2 threshold = clamp(w, Eps, 1.0);

	vec2 txMin = tx - 0.5 * threshold;
	vec2 txMax = tx + 0.5 * threshold;
	vec2 snapMin = mix((floor(txMin) + 0.5) / texSize, texCoords, q);
	vec2 snapMax = (floor(txMax) + 0.5) / texSize;
	vec4 c11 = texture(sampler, vec2( snapMin.x, snapMin.y ), -1); // -1 means don't use mip-maps (seems like)
	vec4 c21 = texture(sampler, vec2( snapMax.x, snapMin.y ), -1);
	vec4 c12 = texture(sampler, vec2( snapMin.x, snapMax.y ), -1);
	vec4 c22 = texture(sampler, vec2( snapMax.x, snapMax.y ), -1);
	vec2 f = mix(min(fract(txMax) / threshold, 1.0), vec2(0.0), q);
	vec4 tA = mix(c11, c21, f.x);
	vec4 tB = mix(c12, c22, f.x);
	return mix(tA, tB, f.y);

void main() {
	// getting texture size
	vec2 texSize = textureSize(AlbedoTexture, 0);

	// sampling the texture
	vec4 albedoValue = textureNearestAntialias(AlbedoTexture, TexCoords, texSize);


It uses fwidth glsl function to get texel density for each texture coord: U and V (As long as texCoords function argument will contain a vector that is calculated from texture coords that are passed from vertex shader). Also the reason why it requires GL_OES_standard_derivatives extension.

Ensure to disable mip-maps if you use other method than getting texture by texture(sampler, vec2( snapMin.x, snapMin.y ), -1). Otherwise it will have 1-pixel artifacts.

To make it work texture must have nearest sampling, algo relies on those calculations that will be made by graphics driver.

To get texture size you can use either textureSize(AlbedoTexture, 0); call, or pass it by uniform, or define it as a constant (least preferred method but can test it that way)