
Lightweight generator based threads solution for screeps game

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Lightweight generator based threads solution for screeps game


Copy runner.js, thread.js and thread.utils.js into your screeps brunch directory.


Creating Runner and Threads

const Runner = require('runner');
const Thread = require('thread');

const creepsRunner = new Runner();

const thread1 = new Thread(creepsRunner, function * () {
	console.log('thread1 started');
	yield; // skip to next tick
	console.log('thread1 finished');

const thread2 = new Thread(creepsRunner, function * () {
	console.log('thread2 started');
	yield; // skip to next tick
	console.log('thread2 finished');
}, false);
// Specifying 3rd argument as "false" will start thread in "CREATED" (suspended) mode.
// later need to call thread.start(); or thread.restart();

module.exports.loop = function() {

You can create multiple runners to control the order of execution for different thread types.

const roomsRunner = new Runner();
const creepsRunner = new Runner();

module.exports.loop = function() {
	roomsRunner.tick(); // Need to run "tick" for each runner

Also you can register runners in global so you can easy access them in other modules.

global.RoomsRunner = new Runner();

// in other module
const thread = new Thread(RoomsRunner, function * (thread) {
	// ...

Thread instance will be provided by first agrument of the generator function. Which is optional, you can ommit it if not going to use.

Note: Remember that global reset (it happends everytime you upload new code or server restart your IVM instance) will clear all threads and their data. You can save some data in memory that will help to reinstantiate threads.

Using class method as thread generator function

In that case you will need to use bind(this).

class RoomManager {

	constructor(room) {
		this.room = room;
		this.roomName = room.name;
		this.loadTime = Game.time;
		this.towersId = [];
		this.updateStructuresThread = new Thread(RoomsRunner, this.updateStructures.bind(this));
		this.towersThread = new Thread(RoomsRunner, this.runTowers.bind(this), false);
		// "false" means don't automatically start the thread
	load() {
		if (Game.time !== this.loadTime) {
			this.room = Game.rooms[this.roomName];
			this.loadTime = Game.time;
		return this.room;
	getTowers() {
		return this.towersId
			.map(id => Game.getObjectById(id))
			.filter(tower => !!tower);
	* updateStructures(thread) {
		if (!this.load()) {
			return null; // No vision for room
		this.towersId = room.find(FIND_MY_STRUCTURES, {
			filter: s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_TOWER
		}).map(tower => tower.id);
		if (this.towersId.length > 0 && !this.towersThread.isRunning) {
			// restart towers thread if it wasn't already running
		yield thread.restart(20); // restart thread after 20 ticks
	* runTowers(thread) {
		if (!this.load()) {
			return null; // No vision for room, finish the thread
		const towers = this.getTowers(room);
		if (towers.length === 0) {
			return null; // No towers, finish the thread
		const hostiles = room.find(FIND_HOSTILE_CREEPS);
		if (hostiles.length > 0) {
			// ... shooting code
		// repeat this function from very beginning in the next tick
		yield thread.restart();


Note: yield thread.someMethod(); is same as



it is just shorter

Note: yield result is not used.

But this is different from yield * someNestedMethod(), this will call nested generator function.

Can pass therad reference to access it inside method (for execution control): yield * someNestedMethod(thread);

Thread states

Thread states can be:

  • CREATED Thread will be in this state after creation and if 3rd argument (automatically run thread) was "false"
  • RUNNING Active thread state, will continue to run in each tick while generator function not finished and executes yield; statement
  • SUSPENDED Thread was suspended and will not run automatically, but it preserves it's internal postion (line where last yield was occured)
  • FINISHED Thread is finished. If generator function came to it's end thread will be finished automatically. Or if you return null; from main generator function

There are boolean getter properties isRunning, isFinished and isSuspended to check thread's current state.

Thread methods

If thread is not in one of allowed state when one of these method is called, thread state will not be changed.


Starts thread. Changes it's state to RUNNING.

Thread gets added to runner's active queue.

Allowed states: CREATED, RUNNING


Finishes thread. Changes it's state to FINISHED.

All thread references in runner's queue and suspened queue created before that call will be removed.


restart(delay = 0)

Restarts thread. Which means resets generator function internal postion to the very begining.

All thread references in runner's queue and suspened queue created before that call will be removed.

Supports restarting finished (FINISHED state) threads.

Note: If generator is not a function but an iterable instance (like a class with defined property [Symbol.iterator]) there will be error "Thread restarting only allowed when generator is a function". And thread will be finished (FINISHED state)

If delay is 0: (immediate restart)

Changes it's state to RUNNING.

If delay is > 0: (delayed restart)

Changes it's state to SUSPENDED.

Thread gets added to runner's suspended queue, which will resume execution (but from begginning of the generator function) as soon as required Game.time will come

If delay is Infinity: (restart with suspend)

Changes it's state to SUSPENDED.

But will not add thread to runner's suspened queue. (Will need to resume the thread by calling resume() or restart())



Shorthand for restart(Infinity). Restarts thread. Resets generator function internal postion to the very begining.

All references of this thread in runner's queue and suspened queue that were created earlier will be removed (invalidated).

Later need to call resume() or restart() to resume execution.



Suspends the thread. Changes it's state to SUSPENDED.

All references of this thread in runner's queue and suspened queue that were created earlier will be removed (invalidated).

Later need to call resume() or restart() to resume execution.

Only takes effect if curent thread state is RUNNING.

Allowed states: RUNNING


Resumes the thread. Changes it's state to SUSPENDED.

All references of this thread in runner's queue and suspened queue that were created earlier will be removed (invalidated).

Thread gets added to runner's suspended queue, which will resume execution as soon as required Game.time will come.

Internal generator position is preserved.

Note: runner.time is updated to Game.time only at the biginning of runner.tick(), so better not to use schedule(Game.time + delay) if you are calling it before runner.tick().

Allowed states: RUNNING, SUSPENED


Suspends the thread. Changes it's state to SUSPENDED. Alias of schedule(runner.time + delay).

All references of this thread in runner's queue and suspened queue that were created earlier will be removed (invalidated).

Thread gets added to runner's suspended queue, which will resume execution as soon as required Game.time will come.

Internal generator position is preserved.

delay should not be negative.

Only takes effect if curent thread state is RUNNING.

Allowed states: RUNNING


Resumes the thread. Changes it's state to RUNNING.

All references of this thread in runner's queue and suspened queue that were created earlier will be removed (invalidated).

Thread gets added to runner's active queue.

If current state is CREATED acts like start() method.

Allowed states: CREATED, SUSPENDED


Toggles internal continued variable to true. Runner will repeat thread's tick() method many times if this variable will remain to be true.

continued is reset to false at the beginnng of the thread's tick() method. Means you need to call continue() before the ending of each thead's tick iteration to remain.

Also there is a built-in protection from recursion.

Only takes effect if curent thread state is RUNNING.

Allowed states: RUNNING


Runs a single iteration of generator (from last yield to next yield statement)

Extending Thread class

You can extend Thread class. By default if no generator function provided for 2nd constructor argument it uses own "run" method (which is empty for base Thread class)

class SpawnThread extends Thread {

	constructor(roomManager) {
		this.room = roomManager;

	* run() {
		let continueSpawning = false;
		const spawns = this.room.getSpawns();
		const idleSpawns = spawns.filter(spawn => !spawn.spawning);
		let continueSpawning = false;
		for (const requirement of this.room.getCreepRequirements()) {
			const currentCount = this.room.getCreepsCount(requirement.creepType);
			let remainingCount = requirement.count - currentCount;
			if (remainingCount <= 0) {
			while (remainingCount > 0) {
				if (this.room.trySpawnCreep(creepType, spawn) !== OK) {
				if (idleSpawns.length === 0) {
			if (remainingCount > 0) {
				continueSpawning = true;
		if (continueSpawning) {
			if (idleSpawns.length === 0) {
				const minRemainingTime = _.min(spawns, spawn => (
					spawn.spawning ? spawn.spawning.remainingTime : 0
				if (minRemainingTime < Infinity) {
					yield this.restart(minRemainingTime);
			yield this.restart();


You can override methods to add additional logic.

class CreepThread extends Thread {

	constructor(creepEntity) {
		// using creepEntity's "run" method instead of own Thread "run"
		super(CreepsRunner, creepEntity.run.bind(creepEntity), false);
		this.creep = creepEntity;

	tick() {
		// modifying tick method
		// allows to run code for each tick if thead is active
		if (!this.creep.load()) {
			return false;
		return super.tick(); // don't forget to call tick method of parent class

	finish(continueThread = false) {
	 	// in this case reaching the end of task's generator function will not finish the thread
		// but will cause searching new task for creep


class CreepEntity {

	constructor(creep) {
		this.name = creep.name;
		this.creep = creep;
		this.memory = Memory.creeps[creep.name];
		this.task = undefined;
		this.isDead = false;
		this.thread = new CreepThread(this);
	static cleanMemory(name) {
		delete Memory.creeps[name];
	load() {
		this.creep = Game.creeps[this.name];
		if (!this.creep && !this.isDead) {
			this.isDead = true;
		return this.creep;
	* run() {
		yield * this.task.run(this);
	setTask(task) {
		this.task = task;
		this.memory.task = task.type;
	taskFinished(continueThread = false) {
		const task = this.findTask();
		if (task) {
			if (continueThread) {
		} else {
			this.task = undefined;
			this.memory.task = undefined;


Multiple globals

Sometimes screeps server runs older version of your global, that store older version of runners and threads in heap.

For example if you created a thread for creep and after creep was dead your previous runner finished the thread, but older version still have instance of thread for that creep in RUNNING (active) state.

If your threads state depend on game objects or game events, better to create new runners and reinstantiate all threads if you detect multiple globals.

let creepsRunner;

function instantiateThreads() {
	creepsRunner = new Runner();
	// ...

let globalIndex = Memory.globalIndex = (Memory.globalIndex || 0) + 1;
Memory.lastGlobalIndex = globalIndex;

function checkGlobal() {
	if (globalIndex !== Memory.lastGlobalIndex) {
		console.log('Multiple globals');
		Memory.lastGlobalIndex = globalIndex;

instantiateThreads(); // instantiating normally

module.exports.loop = function() {