This project's aim is to provide a sample of my abilities in the form of a challange. The challange is to provide a solution to all exercises in the book Computational Physics by Mark Newman
- AbdullahKazi500IBM
- AIsaacNewton
- ashish-rranjanKK Public school
- Butters3388214
- cohen-seth
- CountSereno
- davidjulian7CDMX
- djkagelm
- DreamSkanda
- dsarvanPhysics student
- haroldnip
- Hikary-Kaori-51
- Jainam2848
- JameyHAustin Communiy College
- JohnKun136NVCP@Hoshimya-Animation
- Jordanm37Symbolon
- keriheuer
- LufterUniversity of Michigan
- msong2-1925714
- nicolehenderson
- pk1234dva
- quantaK
- Robprogram2002México
- S4mue3l
- Sarah-A-Tucker
- saYmd-moeNorthwestern Polytechnical University
- taigaoma1997University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- timharneIndividual
- valeriy-zainullinRussia
- vincenzozimbUniversity of Trento
- Youngbao1