
Online Editor Form Embedding

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hexlet Editor

On Push


Hexlet-editor is an environment for writing and executing code that will be actively used on all Hexlet platforms. The closest counterpart is the repl.it service. The backend is developed in NestJS and TypeScript, the frontend uses React.


  • Participation in service development

Tasks can be discussed in the #hexlet-volunteers channel in the Slack community.

System requirements

  • node >= 12
  • Heroku CLI
  • PostGreSQL


make install

Prepare database

In .env file, set your username and password for authentication in database.

Running the app

make start


Running the app in development mode

make start-dev


How to help

Look at the list of issues, choose an interesting task, write to the issue to say you would like to work on the task.

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This repository is created and maintained by the team and the community of Hexlet, an educational project. Read more about Hexlet.

See most active contributors on hexlet-friends.