
Smaller than your average otter.

Primary LanguageCSS


Slightly smaller than your average-sized otter.

Live Demo

Running the Python Scripts

To run the scripts in the Python folder, please be sure to first run pip install -r requirements.txt from that folder, which will ensure the PyMySql dependency is installed correctly.

Next, you'll need to open code_sample.py the file and change the values in default_login_data to contain the correct login credentials.

Then, run code_sample.py from the command line.


The serverless-tinyotter folder contains a serverless implementation of an API which exposes a single endpoint at api.tinyotter.com/getWordCounts. This will return a JSON object which contains an array of all words found in all utterances in the target database.

This is hosted on Amazon AWS using their Lambda, Cloudfront, and API Gateway features. It is also configured to prevent database information (login, password, etc.) from being accessed by unauthoriazed personnel.


The Javascript application compiled to the 'build' folder uses the exposed API to retrieve the unique word counts from AWS, which abstracts away the database call. It then uses React and Redux to render a webpage which allows the user to select which words to display, bsaed on the minimum number of times each word appears in the database.

Without an API, it would be extremely difficult to create a live application which securely accesses the database via JavaScript without exposing login information to the public.

Compiling, Running, and Syncing the JavaScript Application

  • If you don't have it, install node-js
  • Run npm install from the main project directory (with package.json)
  • Run npm start to start a local webserver, which will recompile the code after any changes.
    • Access this server at http://localhost:8080
  • Run npm run build to build the application to the /build directory.
  • Run npm run sync to sync the application to Amazon S3.
    • You probably won't be able to do this without my credentials!