
This 2 scripts allows to make fast setup of squid-proxy to all servers from "servers.txt"

Primary LanguageShell


This 2 .sh scripts allows to make fast setup of squid-proxy to all servers from "servers.txt"

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  • First you need to install sshpass by command "sudo apt-get install sshpass"
  • After that, you need to fill your servers to "servers.txt" in format ip:port:login:password
  • Replace YOUR_IP_ADDRESS in script2.sh to your actual ip address (this need to add access from your ip to proxy)
  • Run "sh script.sh"
  • Run "sh script2.sh"

After all actions, you can test your proxies through "test_proxies.py"

For that script you will need to install:

  • python<3.9
  • "aiohttp" library for python<3.9

You can install library by run command:

  • "python -m pip install aiohttp"