
Found peptides are not matching protein sequences

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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Peptide Sequence Prev AA Next AA Start End Peptide Length Charges Protein Protein ID
EIIEQIR R N 154 160 7 2 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN P31948
CVIGGDGSLTGANIFR L K 123 138 16 2 sp|Q01813|PFKAP_HUMAN Q01813
ILPLVVK K F 256 262 7 2 sp|Q86VP6|CAND1_HUMAN Q86VP6
SVLLSLK R Q 236 242 7 2 sp|P09496|CLCA_HUMAN P09496
QIIDEAER Q S 381 388 8 2 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN P78371
SLHDALCVI R A 389 397 9 2 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN P78371
IIGELAK R E 79 85 7 2 sp|Q99584|S10AD_HUMAN Q99584
FRDSLLR R S 516 522 7 2,3 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN P49327
LLEQGIR K H 437 443 7 2 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN P49327
AGALEGDLFIGPK M A 49 61 13 2 sp|P61163|ACTZ_HUMAN P61163
SHLEILR K G 165 171 7 2 sp|P00390|GSHR_HUMAN P00390
AELELQK K D 108 114 7 2 sp|P07741|APT_HUMAN P07741
QIHDLVLVGGSTR S I 330 342 13 3 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN P11142
MPLIGLGTWK K S 13 22 10 2 sp|P15121|ALDR_HUMAN P15121
PLIGLGTWK M S 14 22 9 2 sp|P15121|ALDR_HUMAN P15121
ELIGTCK R M 320 326 7 2 sp|P18206|VINC_HUMAN P18206
IIGAVAK R V 824 830 7 2 sp|P18206|VINC_HUMAN P18206
SLLYDER K S 54 60 7 2 sp|P25787|PSA2_HUMAN P25787
GIATVLR K Y 458 464 7 2 sp|Q7KZF4|SND1_HUMAN Q7KZF4
AAVPSLK K F 42 48 7 2 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN P00558
ALLDETK Q G 326 332 7 2 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN P04083
CLTALVK K C 263 269 7 2 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN P04083
LGVTVLSR K I 199 206 8 2 sp|P16152|CBR1_HUMAN P16152
ADTPEIQR V I 102 109 8 2 sp|Q14847|LASP1_HUMAN Q14847
ALILIPK D V 443 449 7 2 sp|P40227|TCPZ_HUMAN P40227

There are around 135 from ~18000 peptides are not matching their protein sequences.

@fcyu I checked the first one, it's a I/L flattening issue

fcyu commented

It is due to the I and L interchange. When Philosopher matched the peptides to proteins, it does not distinguish I and L because they have the identical mass.

