SDET interview questions


The purpose of the interview is to determine level of hard and soft skills and to check that person fits team mentally.


  • prefer open questions: ie. questions without one correct answer.
  • when asking binary questions, mix yes and no questions. Don't coerce everything into yes or no.
  • ask not only about what, but also about when and why explanations.


  • greeting and small-talk
  • project introduction
  • soft skills (past experience, English level, etc.)
  • hard skills
  • Q&A

Soft skills

  • Role on previous project (what was doing, team size, what learned, etc)
  • How frequently was your product released? Your involvement in the releases?
  • Development methodology (Scrum, Kanban, Warefrall). When to use what?
  • QA process (code review, code intelligence, CI/CD)
  • Good/bad practices
  • Ideal QA/delivery process (Jira, VCS, CI/CD)
  • Notable tools


General QA

  • Testing pyramid
  • Test documentation
  • Functional vs integration vs e2e tests
  • What's easier to test: monolithic application or microservices?
  • Who should be responsible for quality?
  • Who should test?
  • When should automation start?
  • Shift left/right

Test design

  • Provide test cases for application with an input field that accepts 0 - 10 numbers (inclusive). Decimals are allowed and will be rounded to the whole number using mathematical rounding. Application saves Integer in the DB.

Computer science

  • OOP (4 principles, basic use cases)
  • Design Patterns
  • Anti-patterns
  • Clean code (SOLID, GRASP, DRY, YAGNI)
  • Algorithms (Big O notation, basic algorithms)
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Composition/aggregation vs inheritance
  • Method vs function

General QA automation

  • Test framework design/architecture (basic approaches, organization, must-use patterns)
  • Metrics: limiting test run time and resource utilization/test run optimization
  • Configs
  • Data preparation and cleaning
  • Logs
  • Reporting
  • CI integration
  • Tool integration


  • primitives/objects
  • mutable/immutable
  • var (if Java 11)
  • interfaces vs abstract classes
  • annotations
  • override/overload
  • collections
  • list/set/map
  • hash map/hash set
  • stream
  • lambdas
  • optional
  • generics
  • equals and hashCode
  • deep clone/shallow clone
  • exceptions (checked/unchecked/errors)
  • try/catch/finally
  • static (method, variable)
  • final (class, method, variable)
  • access modifiers (default for class, interface)
  • constructor/initializer
  • JMM (heap/stack, garbage collectors, happens before, reordering, JIT)
  • multithreading (asynchronous execution, reactor, locks, synchronization, thread pool, executor service, future)
  • jUnit/TestNG/... (testability, mock vs stub vs spy, annotations, configuration, parallel run, parametrization)
  • Maven/Gradle/... (role, configuration, dependencies, plugins, phases)


  • code style/quality (PEP8 / PEP20)
  • mutable/immutable data types
  • constructors (how to implement?)
  • tuple vs list vs set
  • list/dict comprehension
  • the difference between v2 and v3
  • is vs ==
  • lambdas
  • generators vs iterators
  • dict
  • decorators
  • magic methods
  • type hints
  • arguments (*args, **kwargs)
  • global/nonlocal
  • is Python interpreted or compiled
  • slicing (list, str)
  • how to reverse iterable object
  • try/catch/finally
  • keyword pass
  • keyword with (context manager)
  • keyword yield
  • copy/deepcopy
  • keywords break/continue/pass
  • venv/pipenv
  • _var and __var (protected vs private)
  • multithreading/asynchronous code
  • GIL

Spring Boot

  • The main idea behind Spring (IoC, Proxy)
  • Differences between Spring (MVC) and Spring Boot
  • Main annotations and their roles
  • Bean scopes (default bean scope)
  • Bean cyclic dependency


  • JDBC/Hibernate/Spring Data
  • Entity
  • Entity relations
  • N+1 problem


  • fixtures
  • fixture scopes
  • parallelism
  • hooks
  • parametrization
  • marks


  • page object
  • waits (interaction between implicit and explicit during waiting for object to disappear)
  • remote driver
  • selectors
  • findElement/findElements return type in case of failure
  • StaleElementException
  • On what part of element will Selenium click?
  • Element not clickable at point
  • Download/upload file
  • JS executor
  • Actions
  • basic auth (http)
  • avoid login in every new test
  • Parametrized locator
  • DOM


  • Differences / and //
  • Differences . and ..
  • Wildcard *
  • Keyword contains
  • Search by text
  • Get parent element


  • relation to HTTP
  • methods
  • differences between GET and POST
  • differences between PUT and POST
  • idempotency
  • query string (what is used for, limitations)
  • components (verb, header, body, etc)
  • supported markup languages
  • status codes
  • streaming (WebSockets / HTTP2)


  • SOA vs DDD
  • REST
  • gRPC/Protobuf
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Service discovery
  • Cloud-agnostic tools
  • Graceful degradation
  • Circuit breaker
  • Saga


  • fetch vs pull
  • merge vs rebase
  • merge conflict
  • force-push (what --force-with-lease does?)
  • revert commit
  • squash
  • stash
  • reset (—mixed, --hard, --soft)
  • merge —abort
  • fork


  • SQL/noSQL
  • noSQL DB types (key-value, document-oriented, wide-column, time series)
  • basic syntax
  • joins
  • subqueries
  • group by / having
  • distinct
  • union
  • indexes
  • transactions (isolation levels)
  • normalization
  • Transaction isolation level
  • CAP theorem
  • ACID


  • container vs image
  • networking (network types, ports, discovery)
  • containerization vs virtualization
  • docker pull/info/stats/images
  • latest tag
  • data persistency (volumes, mounts, permissions)
  • compose
  • swarm


  • address vs netmask
  • bridging vs routing vs switching
  • protocols (tcp, udp, icmp)
  • routing (BGP, OSPF)
  • DHCP
  • ARP
  • VPN and VLAN
  • packet anatomy


  • Jobs
  • Pipelines
  • Jenkinsfile
  • Built-in environment variables
  • Useful plugins


  • logs
  • change permissions
  • open file (read/update)
  • create/rename/remove/copy file
  • default env variable value :-
  • stop process
  • find file


  • cloud native technology benefits
  • lift and shift issues
  • cloud issues
  • IaaC (Cloud Formation, Terraform, Pulumi)
  • Serverless


  • Conflicts inside the team
  • Project estimation
  • Team velocity and performance
  • Firing people
  • What to do if a team member refuses to work?
  • Team stabilization/working with attrition and demotivation/burnout


  • Mock vs stub vs spy
  • Wiremock / MockServer and similar (mock TCP server)
  • BDD (example of BDD test, when to use / not use)
  • JSON / XML
  • CI/CD (Jenkins/GitLab, integration, jobs, pipelines)
  • GitHub actions
  • Linux (command line, ssh, find/locate, pipes, editors, resource monitoring, logs, access rights)
  • NoSQL (time-series DBs, keys, nesting, hot keys, deduplication, normalization)
  • Message queues (RabbitMQ, Kafka, concepts, delivery guarantee)
  • VCS (Git, Mercurial) (branches, pull-requests, rebase vs merge, cherry-pick, hooks, git flow)
  • Code Intelligence (SonarQube, CheckStyle, FindBugs, pyLint)
  • Code Coverage (JaCoCo, Cobertura)
  • Cloud (cloud-native, infrastructure as a code)
  • Docker & K8s (Dockerfile, docker build context, docker-compose, networks, sharing resources, k8s: pod, service, deployment)
  • Performance (tools, concepts, isolation, bottlenecks, metrics, percentiles)
  • Monitoring (Graphite, InfluxDB, Grafana)
  • Reporting (Allure, ReportPortal)



  • write recursive poller / classic poller
  • write counter method for dict
  • write simple decorator to track a time spent for method
  • write method which check that int list contains only even values
  • write method which check that string json has correct open-close brackets


  • Get text of elements (ex. table) and create a dict with it (extra: build a model for this)
           <th>First name</th>
           <th>Last name</th>
  • Fill all the inputs in the form
     <div class="form">
        <div class="input">
           <label>Input - 1</label><br>
           <input class="form_input" name="1" type="text">
     <div class="input">
        <label>Input - 2</label><br>
        <input class="form_input" name="2" type="text">
     <div class="input">
        <label>Input - n</label><br>
        <input class="form_input" name="n" type="text">
  • Click behind the loader (what will be? how to avoid?)
  • Login with API (how to implement?)
  • Write/describe a simple page object
  • Write/describe BasePage methods


  • Get ids of users who entered in September from the API response
   "id": "_4FG12Y7U6",
   "company": "Avionics Inc.",
   "firstname": "John",
   "lastname": "Doe",
   "entered": "2013-06-12T10:00:00Z"
   "id": "_4FG12Y7TX",
   "company": "Avis World Headquarters",
   "firstname": "Steve",
   "lastname": "Herbin",
   "entered": "2013-09-10T10:00:00Z"
   "id": "_4FG12Y7TV",
   "company": "BGP Productions",
   "firstname": "German",
   "lastname": "Vicencio",
   "entered": "2013-09-30T12:46:40Z"
  • Write/describe BaseApi methods

SQL (dialect-dependent)

  • Write UPDATE request
  • Write INSERT request
  • JOIN (types? differences? write request)
  • Write request with COUNT
  • Write request with GROUP BY
  • Write request with HAVING
  • Unique values (DISTINCT)
  • Transactions

Study plan

  • Basic programming language course (OOP + Design patterns + Data structures + Code standards/conventions)
  • Test framework (TestNG/JUnit - Java Pytest - Python)
  • Selenium
  • Page Object
  • API automation
  • DB automation
  • Git
  • Build systems (Maven/Gradle - Java pip/pipenv - Python)
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • CodeCoverage/CodeIntelligence