This branch is currently being used for integration work. If you want to use the released build, please visit this branch and follow the documentation there instead.
This guide provides instructions for installing the latest version of the Astra Connector on your private cluster. If you need to install a specific release, refer to the appropriate release bundle. If you are using a bastion host, execute these commands from the command line of the bastion host.
Apply the Astra Connector operator. When you run this command, the correct namespace for the Astra Connector is created and the configuration is applied to the namespace:
kubectl apply -f
Verify that the operator is installed and ready:
kubectl get all -n astra-connector-operator
Generate an Astra Control API token using the instructions in the Astra Automation documentation.
Create a secret using the token. Replace
with the token you received from Astra Control:kubectl create secret generic astra-token \ --from-literal=apiToken=<API_TOKEN> \ -n astra-connector
Create a Docker secret to use to pull the Astra Connector image. Replace values in brackets <> with information from your environment:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \ --docker-username=<ASTRA_ACCOUNT_ID> \ --docker-password=<API_TOKEN> \ -n astra-connector \
Create the Astra Connector CR file and name it
. Update the values in brackets <> to match your Astra Control environment and cluster configuration:apiVersion: kind: AstraConnector metadata: name: astra-connector namespace: astra-connector spec: astra: accountId: <ASTRA_ACCOUNT_ID> clusterName: <CLUSTER_NAME> skipTLSValidation: false # Should be set to false in production environments tokenRef: astra-token natsSyncClient: cloudBridgeURL: <ASTRA_CONTROL_HOST_URL> hostAliasIP: <ASTRA_HOST_ALIAS_IP_ADDRESS> imageRegistry: name: secret: regcred
Apply the
file after you populate it with the correct values:kubectl apply -n astra-connector -f astra-connector-cr.yaml
Verify that the Astra Connector is fully deployed:
kubectl get all -n astra-connector
Verify that the cluster is registered with Astra Control:
kubectl get -A
You should see output similar to the following:
NAMESPACE NAME REGISTERED ASTRACONNECTORID STATUS astra-connector astra-connector true 00a821c8-2cef-41ac-8777-ed05a417883e Registered with Astra