High performance LINQ implementation with minimal heap allocations. Supports enumerables, async enumerables, arrays and Span<T>.
- 0
Cannot build the repo
#392 opened by CwjXFH - 0
- 0
Sum on ValueEnumerable.Range gives wrong sum
#388 opened by CyberBotX - 3
Integration with StructLinq
#258 opened by NN--- - 2
Select then ToList() doesn't work ?
#386 opened by LoisBoombyte - 15
Consider Making `ArrayPoolExtensions` Public
#372 opened by Mike-E-angelo - 10
- 19
`MemoryValueEnumerable` Uses `SpanEnumerator` When `MemoryEnumerator` is Expected
#377 opened by Mike-E-angelo - 16
- 2
- 2
- 10
Missing dll in NetFabric.Hyperlinq 3.0.0-beta12
#161 opened by gregcotten - 11
Rethink return types
#133 opened by aalmada - 8
- 12
- 2
performance optimization for simple objects
#19 opened by friuns2 - 5
- 1
There is no need for IValueEnumerator
#8 opened by aalmada - 5
make EmptyEnumerable a singleton
#1 opened by Meir017