
Command line parsing for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

NetLah.Extensions.CommandLineUtils - .NET Library

NetLah.Extensions.CommandLineUtils Command line parsing for .NET.

Nuget package


Build Status


Getting started

1. Add/Update PackageReference to web .csproj

  <PackageReference Include="NetLah.Extensions.CommandLineUtils" />

2. Sample Command Line Application

CommandLineApplication commandLineApplication =
    new(throwOnUnexpectedArg: true)
        Name = "SampleCommandLine.exe",
        FullName = "SampleCommandLine: greeting a fullname"

CommandArgument? names = null;

    (target) =>
        target.FullName = "Greeting a fullname";
        target.Description = "The hello command";
        target.ShortVersionGetter = GetShortVersion;
        target.LongVersionGetter = GetLongVersion;

        names = target.Argument(
            "Enter the full name of the person to be greeted.",
            multipleValues: true);

        target.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help");

        target.OnExecute(() =>
            if (names?.Values.Any() == true)
                // show help if the required argument is missing
            return 0;

commandLineApplication.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help");
commandLineApplication.VersionOption("--version", GetShortVersion, GetLongVersion);

commandLineApplication.OnExecute(() =>
    // show help if root command
    return 0;


static void Greet(IEnumerable<string> values) => Console.WriteLine($"Hello {string.Join(" ", values)}!");

static string GetShortVersion() => "1.2.3";

static string GetLongVersion() => "v1.2.3+456abcd";

Play around

1. Get help on root

To know the available commands and options SampleCommandLine.exe --help

SampleCommandLine: greeting a fullname 1.2.3

Usage: SampleCommandLine.exe [options] [command]

  -? | -h | --help  Show help information
  --version         Show version information

  hello  The hello command

Use "SampleCommandLine.exe [command] --help" for more information about a command.

2. Get help on hello command

To know the available arguments and options of a command SampleCommandLine.exe hello --help

Greeting a fullname 1.2.3

Usage: SampleCommandLine.exe hello [arguments] [options]

  fullname  Enter the full name of the person to be greeted.

  -? | -h | --help  Show help information

3. Greeting a fullname

Command line SampleCommandLine.exe hello John Doe

Hello John Doe!

4. Check version

Command line SampleCommandLine.exe --version

SampleCommandLine: greeting a fullname

Project origin and status

This repos a fork of Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils. Microsoft announces discontinue support the library. You may check this repos if prefer the more enrich features.