
C# Implementation of ZeroMQ Realtime Exchange Protocol, based on NetMQ

Primary LanguageC#Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


NuGet Build

Zyre does local area discovery and clustering. A Zyre node broadcasts UDP beacons, and connects to peers that it finds. This class wraps a Zyre node with a message-based API.

NetMQ.Zyre is the C# implementation of the ZeroMQ RealMQ Realtime Exchange Protocol found at http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:36. Other implementations exist for C, Java, Python and more. This is version 2, not the first version (from http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:20).

This C# implementation is based primarily on the C zeromq/zyre implementation at https://github.com/zeromq/zyre ...but there is no implementation using the zgossip capability in czmq.

This C# implementation offers an optional Event-based subscription to messages from peers. See Zyre.cs.


Coming soon. You can download NetMQ via NuGet.


The only dependency is NetMQ. You can download NetMQ via NuGet.

This project targets .Net 4, but it uses C# 6.0.

Using / Documentation

This project assumes you have some familiarity with NetMQ.

Before using NetMQ, make sure to read the ZeroMQ Guide.

The NetMQ documentation can be found at netmq.readthedocs.org.

The SamplePeer project under the Samples directory demonstrates the features supported by Zyre. To run several instances at once, run a batch file like Run3SamplePeers.bat in the build directory.

Getting Started

_zyre = new Zyre(“Node1”, true);

_name = _zyre.Name();

_uuid = _zyre.Uuid();

_zyre.EnterEvent += ZyreEnterEvent;

_zyre.StopEvent += ZyreStopEvent;

_zyre.ExitEvent += ZyreExitEvent;

_zyre.EvasiveEvent += ZyreEvasiveEvent;

_zyre.JoinEvent += ZyreJoinEvent;

_zyre.LeaveEvent += ZyreLeaveEvent;

_zyre.WhisperEvent += ZyreWhisperEvent;

_zyre.ShoutEvent += ZyreShoutEvent;

Then handle the events and make calls to the Zyre API. For example:


var peers = _zyre.Peers();

Who owns NetMQ.Zyre?

NetMQ.Zyre is owned by all its authors and contributors. This is an open source project licensed under the MPL 2.0. To contribute to NetMQ please read the C4.1 process, it's what we use. Contributors are welcome!