
Find netblocks owned by a company

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Find netblocks owned by a company

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  • Use NetblockTool to easily dump a unique list of IP addresses belonging to a company and its subsidiaries.
  • All data gathering is passive. No traffic is ever sent to the target company.
  • Sources include ARIN API, ARIN GUI search functionality, and Google dorking. Company subsidiaries are retrieved from SEC's public database.

Quick Run

git clone https://github.com/NetSPI/NetblockTool.git
cd NetblockTool && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 NetblockTool.py -v Company


Results are written to a CSV called Company.csv where Company is the provided company's name. The truncated output for Google is shown below.


How does this script work?

In depth information on the tool and how it works can be found here.

  • A target company is provided
  • Google dorking is used to find netblocks
  • Traffic is sent that simulates a user searching ARIN's database for the company name
  • All ARIN links are found, visited, and processed from the previous database query
  • Duplicate networks are removed
  • Each netblock is given a confidence score
  • Netblocks are sorted by confidence score and written to a CSV

Common Use Cases

Simple run. Get results from Google dorking and ARIN database:

python3 NetblockTool.py Company

Include the verbose flag to print status updates:

python3 NetblockTool.py -v Company

Extract netblocks owned by your target company’s subsidiaries:

python3 NetblockTool.py -v Company -s

Extract point of contact information:

python3 NetblockTool.py -v Company -p

Get as much information as possible, including netblocks found using wildcard queries, points of contact, geolocation data, and physical addresses:

python3 NetblockTool.py -wpgav Company -so


$ ./NetblockTool.py
  _   _      _   _     _            _    _____           _
 | \ | | ___| |_| |__ | | ___   ___| | _|_   _|__   ___ | |
 |  \| |/ _ \ __| '_ \| |/ _ \ / __| |/ / | |/ _ \ / _ \| |
 | |\  |  __/ |_| |_) | | (_) | (__|   <  | | (_) | (_) | |
 |_| \_|\___|\__|_.__/|_|\___/ \___|_|\_\ |_|\___/ \___/|_|

./NetblockTool.py [options] {target company}
    Find netblocks owned by a company

Positional arguments:
    {target} Target company (exclude "Inc", "Corp", etc.)

Optional arguments:
    Common Options:
    -l        List mode; argument is a file with list of companies, one per line
    -o        File name to write data to (no extension, default is target name)
    -v        Verbose mode
    -q        Quiet mode
    -h        Print this help message

    Data Retrieval & Processing:
    -n        Don't perform thorough wildcard queries (query = target)
    -ng       Don't perform Google Dorking queries
    -w        Perform more thorough complete wildcard queries (query = *target*). Note
                  that this option may return significantly more false positives.
    -c        Company name if different than target (may affect accuracy of confidence
                  scores, use carefully; exclude "Inc", "Corp", etc.)
    -e        Only return results greater than a given confidence score
    -p        Retrieve and write point of contact information to a text file. Note that
                  retrieval of PoC information will likely take some time.
    -4        Only return IPv4 netblocks
    -6        Only return IPv6 netblocks

    Company Subsidiaries:
    -s        Fetch subsidiary information and return netblocks of all subsidiaries in
                  addition to initial target
    -sn       Company name to use when fetching subsidiaries
    -sp       Use alternate parsing method when fetching subsidiary information; use
                  if the default method isn't working as expected
    -so       Write subsidiary information to a text file (CompanyName_subsidiaries.txt)

    Physical Location:
    -g        Retrieve geolocation data (if available)
    -a        Write netblock address information to output
    -ag       Write netblock address information to output but only if it contains a
                  given string

    python NetblockTool.py -v Google
    python NetblockTool.py -so -wv Facebook -o Results
    python NetblockTool.py -gavl companies.txt

This script isn't working

Ensure the following:

  • Are all of the dependencies listed in requirements.txt installed?
  • Is the edgar folder in this repository in the same folder as the NetblockTool.py script?
  • Is the script printing out Google CAPTCHA detected? You may need to change your public IP or wait ~60 minutes to retrieve Google dorking results.
  • You may need to use Python 3.7+