- 1
- 1
Request to create v0.9.4
#591 opened by andrewdicken-stripe - 0
Advanced search column Account search does not parse fields from results
#581 opened by sbudker-stripe - 2
returning false unless success? obscures response errors and transient ones should be retried in backoff method
#580 opened by ericcj - 1
- 0
- 14
- 0
- 1
Invalid XML 1.0 characters causes 500 error
#570 opened by sberlan-odeko - 0
Handle get_select_value when no records exist
#384 opened by iloveitaly - 1
Document NetSuite::Utilities module
#360 opened by monkbroc - 2
Help required to understand how to make the POST Authentication for restless service
#557 opened by jwaiswa7 - 1
Unable to return custom field columns when doing a custom record search.
#515 opened by ChadRehmKineticData - 1
- 1
Unable to mark journal entry as approved
#440 opened by jerryjohnjacob - 2
Add Ship Address to Return Authorization
#521 opened by JustinDunnWahoo - 1
Support nullFieldList
#398 opened by iloveitaly - 3
- 2
- 3
Configure NetSuite on a case-by-case basis
#499 opened by innocentdiaz - 1
Account search breaks on savon > 2.11.1
#363 opened by iloveitaly - 3
- 1
How to send Custom Field for each item on Inventories (Inventory Adjusment)?
#489 opened by diegopolido - 2
- 1
CustomRecordRef is initialized with an Array
#424 opened by LNRexpress - 6
- 11
Connection errors with the 2019_1 API
#430 opened by shaicoleman - 3
Access to full set of attributes
#465 opened by ruckus - 5
Errors thrown on successful request to Netsuite
#444 opened by kmwalke - 1
Absence of Changelog
#449 opened by nothingisfunny - 1
Recent commit to Classification breaks test suite
#452 opened by toyhammered - 0
CustomRecord missing record ref to parent
#450 opened by toyhammered - 3
0.8.4 and 0.8.5 don't appear in the github releases
#446 opened by mawaldne - 1
Inconsistency with Segments
#447 opened by toyhammered - 3
- 1
NetSuite::Records::Department doesn't have to_record
#441 opened by srchulo - 2
Issue specifying correct data center
#422 opened by msalo3 - 3
Vendor Credit External ID field is missing
#418 opened by LNRexpress - 1
Sandbox url not working with TBA version 2016-2
#413 opened by march23 - 1
Allow developers to add new Classifications
#409 opened by manmartinez - 2
Having `Unexpected ERROR` when I try to list Projects , randomly from some `NetSuite_Ids`
#410 opened by march23 - 1
Wrong namespace for Pricing Matrix
#397 opened by jrusso1020 - 2
Netsuite have changed how sandbox urls work
#382 opened by perryn - 1
TypeError: exception class/object expected from /app/config/netsuite.rb:22:in `raise'
#377 opened by jaahay - 4
- 1
Ambiguous authentication?
#368 opened by NoPretzel - 1
Account reference is missing on OrderItem?
#365 opened by Marahin - 1
update all fields or just the one pass in
#361 opened by diwu86 - 1
- 1
Fields that can _never_ be updated, should be excluded when performing an upsert
#345 opened by Senjai