Mobile Test Automation Framework - C# | .NET Core 3.1 | Appium | NUnit | Extent Reports | BrowserStack | Jenkins
- Cross-platform support for running tests on 4 different platforms:
- Native Android app
- Native iOS app
- Android web app
- iOS web app
- Abstraction layers to be able to run a single test without code changes on all 4 platforms!
- Platform parameterization using config files
- Page Object Model design
- Tests run report and dashboard using Extent Reports library (including errors, stack trace, screenshots, logging test steps, etc.)
- Parallel execution on real mobile devices using BrowserStack Cloud
- Reading tests data from external file (JSON)
- Managing Appium server programmatically
- Support for running the project on CI/CD tools such as Jenkins (demonstrated in the video below)
For native Android app:
($env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Android") | dotnet test -v n
For native iOS app:
($env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="iOS") | dotnet test -v n
For Android web app:
($env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="WebAndroid") | dotnet test -v n
For iOS web app:
($env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="WebIOS") | dotnet test -v n