The idea behind "Apply Server" is to control a remote computer via http (instead of ssh). Use cases are
- Deploy configuration files and restart services (e.g. httpd)
- Run maintenance scripts
Apply Server was inspired by the config via http approach of nginx unit [1] and allows to turn apache, solr, or any other server into a http-configurable by just starting another process that acts as agent on target system. Using the Apply Server, it is easy to deploy well-versioned configuration artifacts to target systems via a CI/CD pipeline (like e.g. Jenkins). Obviously CI/CD tools also support ssh, but ssh access can be harder to obtain than opening an http port, also ssh often does not make it easy to transfer/unpack configuration tars (often a change of user is required, permissions can be a challenge). In contrary, an Apply Server can just be started with the same user as the service is running (hence all correct permissions are automatically in placed) and the start parameters ensure its actions are limited to what the Apply Server was started with.
In general all these tools are very useful (e.g. even to install the apply server agent, see Setup Apply Server via puppet below), however their strength is more in setting up a base configuration (OS level, files, directories, permissions, services etc.). For deployments of constantly changing code/configuration they lack support for a workflow where any people (including non-technical people) can make code/configuration travel across environments - here CI/CD servers like Jenkins have their strength. Many tools allow for deployment via http (e.g. Tomcat, Adobe AEM, etc.), Apply Server makes it easy to deploy Apache/Varnish/etc. configuration in the same way as software.
There are many options for starting an http server already [2], but none that focus on
- Running scripts on target system (and make the result history visible)
- Upload/download files to/from a target directory in zip/tgz format (zipping/unzipping on the fly)
- Have minimal dependencies (Apply Server is a lightweight fat jar and has only a JRE as dependency)
There are two options to lock down access directly in apply server:
- IP restriction: Only POST requests from given IP/IP range are accepted
- API Key Secret: Only requests that carry the correct API key as header are accepted
Generally security restrictions are given as start parameters of the server. Additionally if needed, also the firewall of the production systems can be configured to allow only requests from certain IPs.
Apply server is very lightweight: It is just ~130 KB of size while all dependencies are included in the jar directly (e.g. commons-cli) and only the actual required classes are kept in the file (proguard-maven-plugin is used for shrinking).
Apply server is a simple jar that can be run via java -jar
on JREs > 1.8 and has no other dependencies.
$ java -jar apply-server-1.6.2.jar
usage: apply-server
-c,--command <arg> allows to map URL paths to certain
scripts: -c
will run in destination
upon POST requests to /myscript.
Multiple -c options can be provided,
the script provided with -s is the
default if no command matches
-d,--destination <arg> the target destination dir. This is
where payload is extracted to and
relative script paths are evaluated
-dl,--enable-download enables download of the current
files at destination via URL
-du,--disable-upload disable upload (only allow script
execution and potentially download
if -ed is given)
-ed,--exclude-from-download <arg> Regex for files to be excluded from
-ef,--exclude-from-filtering <arg> to supply a regex of files to be
explicitly excluded from filtering
-ip,--ip-range <arg> when supplied, only upload/script
execution requests from the given
IP/IP range are accepted (can be
regular IP like '' or
CIDR range like '').
Useful to restrict clients that can
make changes to the system. Has no
effect for GET requests.
-k,--api-key <arg> when supplied, the given api key has
to be sent with every request as
header 'apikey'
-nf,--no-filtering by default the incoming files are
filtered using the OS env and
'' - using this option will
disable that.
-o,--optional-payload allows to not send a payload to be
filtered/extracted with the request
but just to run the scripped as
-p,--port <arg> the port the server is listening to
-P,--properties <arg> the properties file name to apply
the config - if not given only env
variables will be taken into account
-pid,--pid-file <arg> will write the the pid file
-s,--script <arg> the script name to run (relative to
destination dir after extracting) -
defaults to "". If a
command is matched the command takes
precedence. The script can already
exist in the destination or be part
of the uploaded package.
java -jar apply-server-1.6.2.jar -p 448 -d /path/to/destination -s --api-key MT7HpOKnx5 # secured via api key secret
java -jar apply-server-1.6.2.jar -p 448 -d /path/to/destination -s --ip-range 100.200.300.0/16 # secured via ip range protection
java -jar apply-server-1.6.2.jar -p 448 -d /path/to/scripts --optional-payload -c / -c / --api-key MT7HpOKnx5 # secured via api key secret
# alternatively (or in combination) use --ip-range 100.200.300.0/16 to secure via ip range protection
Push configurations to it from elsewhere and run a script to use the new files.
The full API documentation is at based on the OpenAPI v3 yaml file at docs/openapi.yaml
To push configurations to the target system and run the script as provided by server start:
curl -X POST -H "apikey: MT7HpOKnx5" --data-binary "@path/to/my-config-package.tar.gz" http://myserver:448/package-name.tar.gz
alternatively the format
parameter can be given to not include the filename in path:
curl -X POST -H "apikey: MT7HpOKnx5" --data-binary "@path/to/my-config-package.tar.gz" http://myserver:448?format=tar.gz
No upload required, often used along with multiple -c parameters
if the server was started with
java -jar apply-server-1.6.2.jar -d /path/to/scripts --optional-payload -c / -c / ...
the following two commands will run or respectively:
curl -X POST -H "apikey: MT7HpOKnx5" http://myserver:448/script1
curl -X POST -H "apikey: MT7HpOKnx5" http://myserver:448/script2
A simple script
looks as follows:
# fail immedately in case of invalid config
set -e
# test the config
apachectl configtest
# restart gracefully without downtime (will start server if not yet running)
apachectl graceful
The following start command can be used to start the apply server:
java -jar apply-server-1.6.2.jar -d /etc/apache2 -p 8449 -s -nf
To perform a restart, the curl command
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8449/?format=zip --data-binary
produces the following output for the case the configuration is correct:
Request from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55878 at 2020-02-20 21:29:54
Processing entity /
--- Placing files:
Filtering is disabled
Extracted httpd.conf (not filtered)
--- Executing apply script:
Syntax OK
Restarted apache.
--- Apply script '' returned 0
Finished after 166ms
If the config contains an error it looks as follows:
Request from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:56008 at 2020-02-20 21:33:17
Processing entity /
--- Placing files:
Filtering is disabled
Extracted httpd.conf (not filtered)
--- Executing apply script:
AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'InvalidDirective', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
--- Apply script '' returned 1
Finished after 34ms
For the error case the http response code is 500
Just calling http://myserver:448
in browser will list all past executions and give links to see the logs of each execution.
The following snippet will download and start the apply server with the given arguments:
### Parameters ###
$apply_server_version = '1.6.2'
$apply_server_target_dir = '/opt/files'
$apply_server_port = 8089
$apply_server_additional_arguments = ' -du -dl'
$apply_server_dir = '/opt/apply-server'
$nexus_base_url = ''
### Provision the jar ###
$apply_server_path = "${apply_server_dir}/apply-server-${apply_server_version}.jar"
notice("Ensuring apply server exists: ${apply_server_version}")
file { $apply_server_dir:
ensure => directory,
$curl_command = "/usr/bin/curl -u ${netcentric::maven::nexus_user}:${netcentric::maven::nexus_password} -o ${apply_server_path} ${nexus_base_url}/netcentric-releases/content/biz/netcentric/ops/applyserver/apply-server/${apply_server_version}/apply-server-${apply_server_version}.jar"
exec { 'retrieve_apply_server_jar':
command => "/usr/bin/echo Downloading ${apply_server_path} && ${curl_command}",
creates => $apply_server_path,
require => [ File[$apply_server_dir] ],
file { $apply_server_path:
ensure => file,
require => [ Exec["retrieve_apply_server_jar"] ],
### Run the service ###
# using the base command with port allows to run multiple servers
$base_command = "java -jar ${apply_server_path} -p ${apply_server_port}"
service { "apply-server-${apply_server_port}":
ensure => running,
start => "/usr/bin/nohup ${base_command} -d ${apply_server_target_dir} ${apply_server_additional_arguments} < /dev/null > ${apply_server_dir}/apply-server.log 2>&1 &",
pattern => $base_command,
require => [ File[$apply_server_path] ],