
The back-end project for arti, developed in Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


An article-editing application with the separation of front-end and back-end, developed in typescript and go.

This is the back-end project, and for front-end, it's here.

🧬 Introduction

It's a testing project with the purpose of learning web and fullstack development, and is being constantly improved.

In the front-end, react & next.js are used as a base framework, chakra-ui and iconpark built a practical user interface, tanstack-query & axios are tasked with handling the data interaction between the front-end and back-end.

In the back-end, gin is used as a web framework with go-jwt for user authentication, gorm is used to interact with the SQLite database.

⭐️ Features

  • Basic article display and edit.
  • Markdown support.
  • Dark mode.
  • Responsive UI for mobile and desktop.
  • User authentication using token.

🗂 Run

Download the latest release and write a server configuration, then run arti_server.exe.

🪤 Configuration

By default, a SQLite database file is needed, which should be named arti_database.db in database folder.

The config file app.ini should be placed in conf folder, and the follows below are its format.

#define the run-mode of gin (release/debug)
RUN_MODE = debug

#secret for jwt to generate token

HTTP_PORT = 8080

TYPE = sqlite