- 4
bug: Changed behaviour of spring.autoconfigure.exclude since
#2032 opened by edee111 - 0
bug: Incompatibility between DGS 10.0.1 and Spring-GraphQL’s SchemaMappingInspector in Mvc-Tests
#2097 opened by colomdan - 3
feature: Global Type Resolver
#1985 opened by esfomeado - 8
After upgrading to DGS10.0.0 the response headers doesn't have custom headers set
#2101 opened by dokkaraman - 7
bug: GraphQLJavaErrorInstrumentation changes error type of DataFetchingException
#1932 opened by hpuac - 1
Post legacy removal cleanup
#2057 opened by paulbakker - 0
Codegen feature: InputValueSerializer could autodetect extra scalar mappings based on registration in META-INF
#2085 opened by paulbakker - 0
Update Codegen to support Gradle 9
#2071 opened by paulbakker - 0
bug/question: Subscription Callbacks don't seem to work with ApolloFederatedTracingHeaderForwarder
#2077 opened by hassanzareef - 0
- 0
- 1
documentation: Dataloader LoadMany
#2064 opened by Sasivarnan1988 - 1
- 1
bug: Suppression unsupported in Kotlin 2.0+ generated by the Kotlin codegen for some classes
#2010 opened by dmoidl - 4
bug: GraphQLClientException thrown by RestClientGraphQLClient doesn't use correct URL
#2059 opened by GFriedrich - 4
Content-Type 'application/graphql' is no longer supported with graphql-dgs-spring-graphql-starter?
#2016 opened by martinvisser - 2
bug: GraphQL context not propagated to data loaders
#2058 opened by njuro - 2
bug: Cannot implement Kotlin interface DgsReactiveCustomContextBuilderWithRequest in Java
#2023 opened by petrmac - 0
feature: RestClientGraphQLClient should allow to use common message converters
#2060 opened by GFriedrich - 4
- 1
feature: Make DgsDataLoader usable on method
#2028 opened by stengvac - 1
- 1
bug: 2 separate functions annotated with DgsEntityFetcher for same entity works
#2041 opened by stejas - 1
documentation: It contains invalid link as url
#2034 opened by Sujin1135 - 2
bug: NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException when using org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-rest dependency with dgs framework.
#2030 opened by iparadiso - 4
- 6
bug: dgsMicrometerContextRegistry's Slf4jThreadLocalAccessor conflicts with ObservationThreadLocalAccessor
#1888 opened by martinvisser - 7
feature: Need Cardinality Limiter for gql.loaderBatchSize tag in gql.dataLoader metrics
#1974 opened by hzariv - 2
- 6
- 2
bug: XML Injection (AKA Blind Xpath Injection) in ORG.XMLUNIT:XMLUNIT-CORE [CVE-2024-31573]
#1924 opened by nmartin-RatedPower - 0
#1993 opened by misagaspar - 8
- 3
- 11
feature: Allow specifying custom scalars when generating queries using Kotlin query projections
#1860 opened by dmoidl - 3
Get request headers/ip inside ExecutionStrategy
#1968 opened by Meemaw - 2
Custom ExecutionStrategy
#1967 opened by Meemaw - 4
bug: Java Optional<> - Failed to convert from type LinkedHasMap<?, ?> to type
#1925 opened by filippocozzini - 1
bug: DgsSpringGraphQLAutoConfiguration not compatible with WebFluxHateoasConfiguration
#1946 opened by mformanek-ata - 5
bug: Optional null fields are not returned
#1936 opened by AlexanderPruss - 3
bug: dgs.graphql.path is not working in 8.7.1 & 9.0.0 versions with spring integration
#1931 opened by dusinof - 1
- 5
- 2
documentation: Incorrect Information in DGS Framework Documentation Regarding WebSocket Sub-Protocols
#1899 opened by kobinarth-panchalingam - 7
bug: Deadlock after upgrading to DGS 7.6.0 version
#1887 opened by kkotamar - 3
bug: Switching to `graphql-dgs-spring-graphql-starter` breaks `Upload` GraphQL scalar
#1889 opened by vigenere23 - 5
bug: unmapped fields after version upgrade when using dgs.graphql.schema-locations
#1885 opened by stefan-kueenzi - 6
bug: No qualifying bean of type 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper' available
#1883 opened by ps-tunnelsoft - 1
bug: CORS errors in frontend app only after updating to v6 (with SpringBoot 3)
#1872 opened by vigenere23 - 5
bug: webRequest.getResponse() is null
#1869 opened by sharu