A Telegram Game Bot that lets you create a paper chase game for your friends and family
- Creating Waypoints
- Set distance radius per Waypoint
- Creating seperated Item Waypoints
- Set distance radius per Item
- Set Pickup Chance per Item
- Waypoint Interaction (Questions, Picture, Video, Audio, Voice)
- Name Waypoints
- Save/load your Paper Chase
- Invincible Mode (you can't die)
- Android Trigger App available, to trigger remote sounds
- German language
- Customize most of the Text via DB
- Finding a lot of useless Items
- Showing Inventory
- Finding Revive Items
- Finding Traps (which kill you)
- Dropping Items on death
- Dropping Items from Inventory
- Showing Stats (Points in Invincible Mode)
- Telegram Location manipulation prevented
- Clone SAM
git clone https://github.com/Netfreak25/Sam.git
- Change Directory
cd Sam
- Install Ubuntu/debian Dependencies
apt-get install python python-pip mysql-server python-mysqldb curl sudo net-tools
- Update pip via pip
pip install --upgrade pip
- Install python dependencies via pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create your Database and User
Table Structure and Data will be imported on first run, don't care about that!
Copy config.ini.example to config.ini
Configure your DB credentials in the config.ini
Make sure you have setup a telegram bot in botfather @BotFather and you got the access token for the config
Make sure you have got a google maps api key (You can get it here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key?hl=de)
Enable the Google JavaScript API for your API-Key (Here: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library/maps-backend.googleapis.com/?q=java&id=fd73ab50-9916-4cde-a0f6-dc8be0a0d425)
Configure the rest of the config.ini later via the config.ini overwrite in the web gui!
- You can set the following option directly within the config.ini
- But if you set a variable in the gui it will overwrite the one read from config.ini
advanced = 0
# Shows Trigger Settings - 0,1
admin_chatids = 1231241412, 1234325345,564576564, 345454353
# List of chatids which should be admin, seperated by comma
botname = SamsqueshBot
# Name of the Bot in Telegram
cheat_detection = 0
# Only for Android - 0,1
item_radius_m = 20
# Default Item Radius (m) - 10,20,30,40,50...
gmaps_key = AIzaSyB6zX4HGU0VAVulNasdadssadasdasdasda
# Your Gmaps API Key
invincible = 1
# Defines if you can die - 0,1
pagename = Schnitzeljagdt
# WebGui Title (No spaces allowed)
reset_minutes = 1
# Time until the Trigger can be retriggered - 1+
broadcast_death = 1
# Define if a message gets send to all players upon death of a player - 0,1
telegram_token = 78954796:AGHJSGAJHSGGJHGJIOPHJ-787987sad
# Your Telegram Bot Token
waypoint_radius_m = 30
# Default Waypoint Radius (m) - 10,20,30,40,50...
zoom_koordinaten = 50.099570,8.675232
# Default coordinates for the map to center (no spaces allowed)
zoom_level = 16
# Default zoom level for the map - 1+
- Variables saved in the gui will be saved per Project
If you want to use the restart function from within the gui please also follow the next step
In Order to be able to use the restart function you have to adjust your /etc/sudoers file
python start-bot.py
python start-gui.py
send *Your Text"
# Broadcasts the text recieved by an admin to all players
# Restarts Sam and Sam Gui
# Resets the death reasons (if all are used they reset themself)
revive *Playername*
# Revives the Player and sends him a notifiction
- If your output of start.sh looks like this, make sure you have setup a correct Telegram Bot Token
[1/4] Killing old Bot Instance - SUCCESS
[2/4] Starting Bot Instance - FAILED
[3/4] Killing old WebGui Instance - SUCCESS
[4/4] Staring WebGui Instance - SUCCESS
If the Map does not display, make sure you have setup a correct google api key and that the javascript api has been enabled
If the restart Button does not work in the GUI make sure you updated /etc/sudoers
If you messed up the project or the config.ini overwrite you can clean the database
python start-bot.py -cd
- No guaranteed Support
- Things might break due to changes in the Telegram API