
Janus Gateway RPM https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway


Janus Gateway RPM https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway


Example configuration files are in /opt/janus/etc/janus

Install and start the service

The RPM installs a systemd unit. To enable it and start the service run

# systemctl enable --now janus-gateway

The service is not restarted automatically after RPM upgrades. Remember to run

# systemctl restart janus-gateway

Detailed trace

It is possible to build the RPM with additional libraries that send to standard output a detailed trace and detect memory leaks and faults. This is useful for upstream developers to debug a server crash.

Run rpmbuild defining additional compilation flags. For instance:

$ rpmbuild -D 'dist .ns7' -D 'dbgflags -O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g3 -ggdb3 -fsanitize=address,undefined' janus-gateway.spec

The build requires a modern GCC version with libasan and libubsan dependencies. On CentOS 7 it is possible to install it from SCLo.

See also the .travis.yml in this repository for more information.

Once the RPM with additional libraries is installed:

  1. Add a local systemd unit override fragment, by running systemctl edit janus-gateway.service.

    ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'exec /opt/janus/bin/janus -o -d 7 -L /dev/null &>/var/log/janus-trc.log.$$$$'

    As alternative copy the above fragment to /etc/systemd/system/janus-gateway.service.d/override.conf and run systemctl daemon-reload.

  2. Check the changes are in place:

    systemctl cat janus-gateway
  3. Restart the service (when possible):

    systemctl restart janus-gateway
  4. Check the status. The current log file is /var/log/janus-trc.log.PIDNUM, where PIDNUM is the server main process PID:

    systemctl status janus-gateway

To clean up the above setup:

rm -f /etc/systemd/system/janus-gateway.service.d/override.conf
systemctl daemon-reload

Then restart the service.

Building a release RPM

  1. Ensure the release commit hash is set in the .spec file
  2. Fix the .spec file Version and Release tag
  3. Write the %changelog entry in the .spec file
  4. Commit the above changes
  5. Create a git tag that starts with a digit. Do not use any "-" (minus) sign! E.g.: 0.12.1r2
  6. Push the tag and the commit to start the automated build on Travis CI

Builds started from a tagged commit are published to "updates"!

More information: https://docs.nethserver.org/projects/nethserver-devel/en/v7/building_rpms.html