Run examples with Visual Studio Code

Install Code and Python

Run script

  • Open folder containing scripts

  • Confirm that you trust the author so the scripts can be run

  • Install Visual Studio Code extensions:

    • Python
    • Jupyter
  • Create virtual environment (Ctrl+Shift+P Python: Create Environment)

  • Open terminal to install dependencies (Ctrl+Shift+P Terminal: Create New Terminal)

    • Windows: if an error regarding about Execution Policies occurs, change default terminal to Command Prompt instead of PowerShell: File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Features -> Terminal -> Integrated -> Default Profile: Windows -> Select Command Prompt
    • In terminal: pip install -r requirements-{operating_system}.txt
    • Windows + Python 3.11: If wordcloud cannot be installed, try installing wheel from here (pip install wordcloud-1.8.1-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl)
    • Linux/MacOS - ignore pywin32 dependency - remove from requirements.txt
  • Replace hansken_host variable with the ip of your host

  • Verify if the scripts contain Run Cell options -> Download ipykernel package if prompted

  • Select default Python installation to use as kernel

  • Linux: If <ipython-input-3-2c12d96ddab5>:7: UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg;, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure. this error pops up:

    • update imports to explicitly use a gui backend for matplotlib: matplotlib.use('tkAgg')
    • install tkinter pip install tkinter