iPhone Health App data

If you use these data in a publication, please cite

Jan Peter van Zandwijk, Abdul Boztas, The iPhone Health App from a forensic perspective: can steps and distances registered during walking and running be used as digital evidence?, Digital Investigation, Volume 28, Supplement, April 2019, Pages S126-S133

CSV data column legend

  • subject - code number of subject
  • telephone - indicator of type of telephone:
    • iphone5s - iPhone 5S (iOS 11.2)
    • iphone6 - iPhone 6 (iOS 10.2)
    • iphone6b - iPhone 6 (iOS 10.3.3)
    • iphone6s - iPhone 6S Plus (iOS 9.3.2)
    • iphone7 - iPhone 7 (iOS 10.3.1)
    • iphone8 - iPhone 8 (iOS 11.1.2)
  • date - YYYYMMDD day of experiment
  • trial - trialnumber of experiment (same date, subject and trialnumber indicates for different telephones that data was taken in the same underlying experiment)
  • carrying location - position where telephone was carried during this trial
  • speed - speed of locomotion during trial (either walking pace or running pace)
  • biometry cond - indicates whether biometric data of subject were set in the telephone for this trial (B) or not set (NB)
  • swingstate cond - indicates whether it is special trial with exaggerated arm movement (Z) or with arms kept still (S). If not set, no instruction on arm movement is given
  • measured distance - actual walking distance for this trial
  • registered distance - walking distance as registered by the telephone
  • measured stepcount - manually measured stepcount for this trial
  • registered stepcount - stepcount as registered by the telephone for this trial