Long Time, No Rih: A Sentiment Analysis of Rihanna’s Comeback Superbowl Halftime Performance.
Table of Contents
Hi! I'm Neto Anyama. In this project, I performed a sentiment analysis on tweets covering Rihanna's comeback SuperBowl halftime performance, on 13th of February 2023. I analysed 33,488 tweets with 12 features, such as Tweet Content, Number of Likes, Number of Retweets etc.
- What are the tweets with the most engagements?
- What is the overall sentiment of fans?
- What tracks were most talked about by fans?
- What were the most popular hashtags used by fans?
- What were the most popular words used by fans?
Project Methodology.
The project workflow was as follows:
- Data Wrangling: Gathering, Assessing, Cleaning
- Data Preprocessing: To prepare the data for sentiment analysis
- Sentiment Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis: Using visualizations to derive insights
- Engagements were high with 319,446 likes, 40,857 retweets, 11942 replies in total, spread over 27,289 unique users.
- 92.6% of fans showed positive sentiments towards the performance.
- ‘Diamonds’ was the song most talked about, showing up in 358 (21.96%) of tweets where fans mentioned any tracks.
- By far, the most talked about portion of the performance was the news of Rihanna's pregnancy as it was mentioned 3,249 times.
- Apart from the official #RihannaSuperBowl official hashtag used 9133 times (18.87%), fans also used #Rihanna 5361 times (11.08%).
This was done using Microsoft PowerBI and can be found here.
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-web-scraping-tutorial/#:~:text=Just%20remember%20that%20there%20is,7%20days%20old%20using%20Tweepy.
- https://github.com/Nonso-Analytics/Beyonce-Renaissance-A-Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis/blob/master/Beyonce's%20Renaissance%20-%20Twitter%20Sentiment%20Analysis.ipynb
- https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/rihannas-super-bowl-lvii-halftime-show-set-list/pl.2d5e38b2cdaa4417932784ff19cc4fbe
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/816699713663013584/
- https://www.statology.org/seaborn-barplot-show-values/
- https://www.statology.org/seaborn-barplot-color/
- https://www.color-hex.com/color/ff0000#:~:text=%23ff0000%20color%20RGB%20value%20is,of%20its%20RGB%20is%200.