
A sample commandline tool to export data via the Hubstaff Public API

Primary LanguageRuby

Hubstaff Export Tool

This is an export tool for hubstaff screenshots. It also gives a hint of how you can write a ruby class to make requests to the hubstaff public API.


  • This is a simple hubstaff.com export tool for the screenshots.
  • It uses the Hubstaff API.


Commands to call

ruby hubstaff-export.rb token PersonalAccessRefreshToken
ruby hubstaff-export.rb export-screens 2015-07-01T00:00:00Z 2015-07-01T07:00:00Z -o 84 -i both

Obtaining a personal access token

Go to the Hubstaff developer site to create a personal access token with the Ability to read hubstaff data scope.


ruby hubstaff-export.rb [action] [options]

For help use: ruby hubstaff-export.rb -h


-h, --help          Displays help message
-v, --version       Display the version, then exit
-V, --verbose       Verbose output
-j, --projects      Comma separated list of project IDs
-u, --users         Comma separated list of user IDs
-i, --image         What image to export (full || thumb || both)
-o, --organization  The organization ID
-d, --directory     A path to the output directory (otherwise ./screens is assumed)


Chocksy - @Hubstaff