
This is an AngularJS web application that provides a concept-centric view across all BioPortal ontologies.

Created by: Misha Dorf, Attila L. Egyedi, Clement Jonquet and Marcos Martinez-Romero at the 2nd Network of BioThings Hackathon.


Backend BioPortal service:

The backend code is available at the NCBO's GitHub repo


  • NodeJS
  • npm (included in NodeJS)
  • Bower
  • gulp

Getting started

Install NodeJS (using Homebrew):

$ brew install node

Install bower:

$ npm install -g bower

Install gulp:

  1. Install gulp globally: $ npm install --global gulp

  2. Install gulp in your project devDependencies: $ npm install --save-dev gulp

Install all the project dependencies:

$ npm install

Running the web application

Go to the project's root folder and execute $ gulp