
Dev Container environment for Cool lang compiler development

Primary LanguageC++

Cool-compiler Boilerplate


  1. For Dev Containers installation checkout here.

  2. Clone the repo git clone ...

  3. Open directory inside VS Code

  4. Select option Reopen in Container, or press CTRL+Shift+P and find action manualy.

  5. If using macOS and Linux/Unix skip this step (5), only for Windows users

    • Open new terminal inside VS Code (container terminal) and type git reset HEAD --hard
    • Explaination: if you are using Windows maching, after git clone command, git will convert all files EOF from LF to CRLF, which needs to be reverted in order to work inside Linux container
  6. In order to check if everything is cool, open terminal inside VS Code and execute the following:

    cd lexer
    make lexer
    ./lexer test.cl

👉 If no error occurs continue with teacher instructions.


Permission error after pasting new files?

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER <new_file>