
Document rendering server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

What is Document Rendering Micro Service

Simply this micro service is replacing the tags from documents pinned on IPFS then export them as pdf.

Why this micro service exists

Because its very hard to have perfect results when you are going to convert documents from word or html to pdf in the client side applications, we made this micro service to convert the IPFS pinned documents to pdf, with replacing tags feature.

How it works

  • Download pinned document from IPFS node like html or word document.
    example: ipfs.neufund.org/ipfs/QmQvrXFVTbPYHVLRSqPfnCPaVizhBomEKvFgAPB8Cd2B9x
  • Caching the IPFS document.
  • Replacing the tags as the following example.
    "{company}": "Fifth Force GmbH",
    "{country}": "Germany",
    "{hrb-clause}": "the commercial register of the local court of Berlin under HRB 179357 B",
    "{repo-url}": "git@github.com:Neufund/ESOP.git",
    "{commit-id}": "",
    "{court-city}": "Berlin"
  • Using Factory design pattern to detect the document type to know which method should use in converting to pdf.
  • Cache the PDF file.
  • Send the pdf file to the user using the endpoint, details about the endpoint below.


in config file you will find

  • IPFS_CACHE_DIR the path of the cached ipfs documents
  • CONVERTED_DIR the path of the pdf cache folder


Use Docker to install it easily

  • Install docker from here.
  • We use docker-compose version 2, so add this file
version: '2'
    env_file: <DIRECTORY/render_pdf.env>
    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
      - ipfs_cache:/app/ipfs_cache
      - converted:/app/converted
  # optional for local testing
    image: ipfs/go-ipfs:v0.5.1
      - "4001:4001"
      - "4001:4001/udp"
      - ""
      - ""

  • In docker-compose.yml file you will find the variable environments. IPFS_HOST and IPFS_PORT you just need to define them in render_pdf.env file
  • specify env_file: <DIRECTORY/render_pdf.env> in docker-compose.yml.
  • Run the following command
docker-compose up --build


  • /api/document POST <IP_ADDRESS>/api/document?hash=< IPFS_HASH_KEY >&type=< TYPE_OF_THE_DOCUMENT > { "{company}": "Fifth Force GmbH", "{country}": "Germany" ... }
  • you should send the hash of the ipfs document and the type as well.
    Note: the type must be "word" or "html".

CURl Example

you just need to change <SERVER_IP> below

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
  "company":"Fifth Force GmbH",
  "hrb-clause":"the commercial register of the local court of Berlin under HRB 179357 B",
}' "<SERVER_IP>/api/document?hash=QmQEGujQefenqt53Au82gPf5yjEbwzea5UJMxswJqmwtHF&type=word"

Supported file type

  • Word documents
  • Html file

Additional info

Hash function used for renaming the pdf cached files hashes is sha1


python -m unittest ##Note Added during latest quick fixes
Project currently is in low maintanance mode and we are missing guide how to run it locally.
But to run latest added tests you can call it simply by just running subset of all tests.
python -m unittest tests/test_hash_validation.py